"Autistic" things you do.

What "autistic" things do you find yourselves doing? I do a lot of different things which I know a neurotypical wouldn't think twice about.

One of them is making sure everything in my house is straight, so the chairs, my books and DVDs on the shelf, pictures hanging on the wall and plenty more than that.

Recently I was doing up an MG Maestro and had noticed the offside headlight wasn't seated properly and was facing a little to the side. This bothered me so much, playing at the back of my mind until finally I went out and straightened it because I couldn't cope with it not being right.

I feel like I was actually approaching a meltdown, that's how much this sort of thing bothers me.

Am I alone in being this way?

  • Went for my monthly haircut today. The barber was 15 minutes late for my appointment so I was completely frazzled before he even cut my hair. Once it was done I went to pay and the person at the till was making small talk, wishing me a merry Christmas and telling me they’ll see me next time.

    I could only manage a one word response. “Yes”

  • So familiar. My bus was late one day and so I got to the gym late (already got the jaggies from that). I got to gym class and someone had taken my spot and I just couldn't, I just couldn't. I took it out on nautilus instead.  

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