Fav Quotes

Do you have any fav quotes? Feel free to share them here Grinning 

I love quotes! Some can be really inspiring and life changing.

Here's one of my favs I try to live my life by Slight smile 

"If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you." — Lao Tzu.

  • "Some People Live More In Twenty Years Than Others Do In Eighty. It's Not The Time That Matters, It's The Person."

    A quote from the tenth Doctor from Doctor Who. One of the best in my opinion.

  • It was having a real creative renaissance but the odds were too stacked against them by then. Putting it on opposite Corrie was the Beeb's way to let it die a slow ratings death and then when it didn't come back the next year say 'oh. we're just resting it'. Thankfully the BBC is once again full of people who love it rather than finding it an embarrassment. 

  • 7 and Ace I've got all the DVDs and watch them over and over. I liked their series, really well done it's a shame it was cancelled I would like to have seen more :) 

  • With that last one, it's really just the final line that my memory hold onto, but I thought for context some of the rest was needed. 

  • "its the ones that surround the air after the closing credits and stay with you like an echo"

    That's so well put, very quotable in itself! Poetic...

  • it is, is it like Labyrinth in that sense. 

    And! that quote from Dr Who and ones like it from TV, film its the ones that surround the air after the closing credits and stay with you like an echo, when you are missing the adventures that you somehow journeyed with them. And you feel like something is missing when the adventure ends for a while. 

    Yes, I remember feeling that when I saw that ep, gosh it makes me want to now watch that era again. 

    I also felt that way with the last ep of DT  (before this re-appearances off course)

  • That's fab that you remember. It's so poignant. They didn't know for sure they weren't coming back, but I think they felt it. And those words were there as a needed coda, just in case. I'm so glad they were. Even as a retrospective elipsis and no longer a full stop, it's still very moving to me. 

    Redolent of that 'should you need us' from Labyrinth's ending - we'll still be out there, don't let your inner child die, and remember us...

    That kind of vibe. 

  • I might think of something less morbid in a bit! But they are beautiful lines

  • I have not watched repeats of those, but that quote! it jogged my memory, I remember that! I read that and I thought wow! I do remember that.

  • Some closing lines from poems that have always stayed with me since school...

    One day he’ll clock on and never clock off
    or clock off and never clock on.

    (My Bus Conductor, Rger McGough) - about a ticket collector with failing kidneys and an acute awareness of his mortality's fragility


    'No gaudy scars, the bumper knocked him clear.
    A four-foot box, a foot for every year.'
    (Mid-Term Break, Seamus Heaney) - about his younger brother, knocked down and killed on the last day of school.
    "Then found myself listening to The amplified grave ticking of hall clocks
    Where the phone lay unattended in a calm
    Of mirror glass and sunstruck pendulums . . . 
    And found myself then thinking: if it were nowadays,
    This is how Death would summon Everyman.
    Next thing he spoke and I nearly said I loved him."
    (A Call, also by Heaney) - about making a call to his aging parents, and - waiting for his dad to come in from the garden - well, it speaks for itself. 

  • "There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do!"

    How Doctor Who originally signed off, in December 1989. Quiet, dignified, poetic, low-key. And sheer class. Perfect really. It still moves me intensely. 

  • "There is no try, only do"


    A truly wise individual Innocent

  • I have memorised the last few lines of Tennysons Ulysses .. maybe because it speaks to ourtime, or maybe just that, given the right opprrunity, i can pretend to be well read ...

    ... tho' much is taken, much abides; And tho'

    we are not now, that strength which in old days

    moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;

    One equal temper of heroic hearts,

    made weak by time and fate, but strong in will.

    To striive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

    ... and it is a good job i looked it up rather than posting it from memory ... i had it memorised wrong! :-)

  • I misspelled it too! Communication malfunction now remedied. 

  • lots of Jazz standards are.

  • oh! the irony..............

  • Yes that is correct, and Picard quoted from Shakespeare. 

  • If we're doing lyrics, I've always been fond of 

    'Fate doesn't hang on a wrong or right choice,

    Fortune depends on the tone of your voice' 

    (Songs of Love, The Divine Comedy)

  • Didn't Kirk occasionally quote literature too:

    'First star to the right, and straight on to morning'  - I think he was maybe quoting Peter Pan there.