Food choices

Are you able to eat anything now that you couldn’t as a child?

I didn’t think I had any food issues until I realised I was Autistic in 2019, and subsequently went through my existence with a fine toothed comb.

My sensory issues don’t stop me eating anything specific as such. It’s more of the case I avoid certain things, and I can, because I cook for myself as my children have flown the nest. I had a little think just now, and I still avoid the things I did as a child. Do you? 

  • nope, I still eat like I did when I was 10 lol. I go through phases though I have been eating lots of tomato soup recently. Every lunch time for last 2 weeks, I seem to need it, maybe it is for health 

  • Hmm yoghurts, I don’t know how I feel about them. I mostly avoid them, especially those with bits. Dairy free are slightly more tolerable.  Even so, it’s one of the foods I don’t see the point of. Cold, sloppy. A bit like ice cream. Both of which I didn’t like as a youngster. Ugh, children and yoghurts. I do sympathise. Everywhere but in their mouths lol

  • They do a smooth version now too…

  • Now, I can eat beef if I really have too, but chicken is a no. I’ve been on and off that over the years. I don’t like the texture, and the smell it leaves on plates and cutlery and even the dishwasher is abhorrent lol.

  • Ha, this is me with fruit. I just stick to smoothies and endless vegetables. Fruit is too unexpected for me.

  • Oh, I hear things said wrong all the time. One that annoyed me was on countdown of all shows. A contestant kept saying continent instead of consonant Stuck out tongue closed eyes. No ‘s’ was pronounced throughout the whole show.

  • That’s quite the adjustment! I hope it doesn’t get you down too much. I suppose we do as we must. 

  • My diet at the moment consists of soft foods and liquids like soup - but can only have it cooled ugh :( 

    Before I used to eat sandwiches and crackers most of the time, been like that since I was little. 

  • When they first told me in the hospital thhat i have kidney disease, the nurse went on ro say i had to be very careful what i ate and drank in the future, She then got out a long long list of things i should advoid. I looked at this list and said, what's left. What can i safely eat ? She lookrd at ne, smiled and said....... white rice and cabbage......... It's not quite that bad, but i'd love a bacon butty. I find myself in shops reading all the labels before buying things.

  • My boys have definitely improved as they have got older (they are only 11 and 9 now). They still won't touch eggs, beef, turkey, lamb, pork (unless in sausage form), noodles (but love pasta), fish (only fish fingers) and anything cooked in sauce (so no stews or curries or pasta bakes).

    My eldest refused to eat chips until he got to about 6, but is quite happy to eat them now.

    The latest thing for my youngest is wanting cheese with pasta, but the cheese has to be on the side. If the cheese starts to melt, he won't touch it. Oh, and he won't eat cooked carrots now, only raw ones!

    We have very limited choices in terms of fruit and veg they will actually eat so I just try to have a meal plan each week so they get as much variety as possible.

  • As a child I refused to eat apples. I didn't like the texture, the smell or the taste. I found them too hard. But last year when I was 24 I tried an apple and I loved it! But I since choked on one and now it has been put on my Do Not Eat Ever Again list. Generally I stick to good foods I can trust.

  • That’s great! Blueberry roulette is kind of worth it tho

  • Weird tangent maybe, but I was just thinking about that expression yesterday. You’ve said it correctly- fine toothed comb. But I seem to hear a lot of ‘fine tooth-comb’ from people in general and it just seems odd. 

  • Exactly, the need for same foods!

  • I’ve gone the other way, I find the texture of red meat unacceptable,. Chicken is okay. The only thing I’ve started to tolerate is Branston Pickle, they bought out a small chunk version, still can only have a small amount.

  • I eat a lot of chicken and I really do not like soft foods, I feel like I can’t tell what I am eating if food is too soft.

  • I still avoid everything I did as a child too. Dairy is a real problem for me, not so much in the sense of an intolerance, but more so a sensory thing. I hate the smell, sight, textures and tastes of all dairy products. I particularly hate butter/margarine and and dairy free replacements of these. I also struggle to be around yoghurts, which is unfortunate as my 8 month old daughter loves them and ends up completely covered. It’s a big deal for me to help her, which I do anyway.