Food choices

Are you able to eat anything now that you couldn’t as a child?

I didn’t think I had any food issues until I realised I was Autistic in 2019, and subsequently went through my existence with a fine toothed comb.

My sensory issues don’t stop me eating anything specific as such. It’s more of the case I avoid certain things, and I can, because I cook for myself as my children have flown the nest. I had a little think just now, and I still avoid the things I did as a child. Do you? 

  • My boys have definitely improved as they have got older (they are only 11 and 9 now). They still won't touch eggs, beef, turkey, lamb, pork (unless in sausage form), noodles (but love pasta), fish (only fish fingers) and anything cooked in sauce (so no stews or curries or pasta bakes).

    My eldest refused to eat chips until he got to about 6, but is quite happy to eat them now.

    The latest thing for my youngest is wanting cheese with pasta, but the cheese has to be on the side. If the cheese starts to melt, he won't touch it. Oh, and he won't eat cooked carrots now, only raw ones!

    We have very limited choices in terms of fruit and veg they will actually eat so I just try to have a meal plan each week so they get as much variety as possible.

  • When they first told me in the hospital thhat i have kidney disease, the nurse went on ro say i had to be very careful what i ate and drank in the future, She then got out a long long list of things i should advoid. I looked at this list and said, what's left. What can i safely eat ? She lookrd at ne, smiled and said....... white rice and cabbage......... It's not quite that bad, but i'd love a bacon butty. I find myself in shops reading all the labels before buying things.

  • That’s quite the adjustment! I hope it doesn’t get you down too much. I suppose we do as we must. 

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