Autistic and Christian

Is there anybody out there who feels they so much want to fit in with everyone else but struggles to at church.  Does your church open and understand your autism.  What can we do to change struggles we have in a busy church environment?  Autism christian bible study groups etc?  I am thinking at random.  What are your thoughts and what are your struggles? 


    I'm a Spiritualist not a Christian, but am generally interested in faith and autism. You might be interested in this chap. He wrote a book:

    It's part bio about his childhood and career as a Pastor and as an autistic person, and part a lovely theological response to autism. Nice perspective on the Shepherd and the lost sheep: not a naughty sheep who needed to be fetched back to the flock, but a flock that shouldn't ostricise the one sheep who was a bit different such that it felt it had to wonder off.

    That's not quite a response to the question you asked, but my friend is an C of E vicar who did post me a link to a youtube lecture by a Scots guy talking about adaptations to church environments to be more accessible for autistic people...trying to think of his name now. He talked about all the sensory and social dimensions which can impact on participation in services and christian community. If I find him again, I'll post the link.

    Personally, I don't struggle with my church. I find I can't engage much with small talk about the flowers or tea rotas, but otherwise I'm ok when on the big topics

  • I'd like to add I think one of the main issues I have as a unitarian "point blank" is simply the lack of unitarian churches in general. I have never been led to believe that as a unitarian pagan I would in any way be unwelcome at a christian unitarian church. As there is a significant degree of brotherhood and overlap within unitarianism in general.

  • Re:
    "Is there anybody out there who feels they so much want to fit in with everyone else but struggles to at church."

    I don't know about at church, I am a proud pagan (in a Unitarian sense) but even so I do not see how theistic differences should act as a barrier when as Charles Dickens puts it so eloquently in his Christmas Carol, we are "fellow travelers to the grave", I think it's interesting as no doubt there will be spiritual spaces of all kinds who to varying degrees understand and/or accept our autism. But not belonging to a specific church or coven I'm not sure I can answer that question to the specific nature it was asked.

    "What can we do to change struggles we have in a busy church environment?  Autism christian bible study groups etc?  I am thinking at random.  What are your thoughts and what are your struggles?"

    However it has occurred to me as someone with Catholic ancestors to sit in at the local Catholic church some time to at least see what they are all about. (I attended a religious school before and went to a church through them occasionally as a kid pre-diagnosis but they were not catholic.) It has certainly already been at the forefront of my mind that should I attend a church again I would no doubt need to take a fidget toy of some kind as I am someone who struggles to sit still when listening, no matter how invested I am or not.