A revelation about getting on with people

I've realised that people prefer it if I start with pleasantries, not just going straight to the point of what I want to say.

e.g. just now I went to get my recycling bin after it had been emptied. At least I thought it was my bin. I saw my neighbour getting into his car so I called 'is this my bin?' He looked blankly at me and said, 'hello, how are you? Haven't seen you for a while.' I was confused, I needed to know if that bin was mine or his. He was confused because he hadn't seen me for a while and wanted to say hello, not talk about bins.

Then it dawned on me, ta dahhhhhhhhhh! I should have said 'hello how are you?' Before launching into the questions about the bin.

I like to get straight to the point, never mind chit chat. Most humans prefer the chit chat first. Bulb 

I hope this has been helpful Sweat smile 

  • Some things are beyond explanation.

    That is all.

  • There's this bloke, digging in his back garden and he unearths an old bottle. Upon opening it a genie pops out and offers him a wish. After a bit of to and fro along the lines of "how come there's only one wish", Our man screws up his face and finally admits his deep seated desire to drive to America to see San Francisco, and his deep seated aversion to boats and aeroplanes, means that he requires a motorway to be built from Sussex to San Fran for his wish...

    Bloody hell! (Exclaims the genie) I've been in there for 3000 years and you set me a task like that, all that concrete, the piling? It'll be ages before I see the inside of a decent club at this rate...

    Tell you what, says the bloke, I can see your point, perhaps you could just answer me this one small question instead, as my wish? 

    Women... I can never really get a sense of understanding them, how do they really work, and how can I make and keep my wife, etc. happy?

    The genie pauses, for quite a long time, then asks...

    "Was that thee lanes or four, you wanted on that motorway?"

  • I Sperg, that's such an old-fashioned, sexist dad joke. I'm surprised at you! It's the kind of dumb, sexist joke a group of simple-minded, heterosexual men throwing beer down their necks would find funny.

    How can you say you don't understand someone because they have different genitals from you? Is it all women or just straight women? What about gay women or bisexual women? 

  • It is always good to be mindful of what language we use because thinking in a prejudiced way can lead to acting in a prejudiced way. It follows on naturally.

    I'm sure I make mistakes with prejudices all the time, however well meaning I am. But it's always good to think of the impact of what we say. Even if we have the best of intentions it can hurt others.

  • Exactly. Being sexist/ racist/ prejudiced in whichever way demeans the person saying it as well as the people they are intending to insult. 

    I'm sure I don't succeed in avoiding being 'ist' all the time so we should all take care of what we say.

  • Hopefully but it remains to be seen doesn't it Persevere

  • "No", said the engineer, (as he returned the blood stained file to the stores);

    "The file wasn't too rough for his beak, it were the vice that killed him..."

    (the preamble being the engineers previous argument with the storeman whilst trying to sign out the file for the weekend making the original argument that a *** file was the appropriate tool for trimming a budgies beak).

    Shadenfreud with a topping of the unexpected twist.

    Yeah, I might actually give up on humour, despite it's sucess in normie world. Nowadays a joke you make is often recorded, and may prove fatal during seismic shifts of political sentiment...

  • Budgie'ists - DISGRACFUL! BAN THEM ALL.

  • Actually, now I think of it, there are a lot of jokes where a budgie meets his end in a horrible way, what's that all about?

  • Well I am so sorry that one did not please, have you heard the one about the budgie, the old engineer and the *** file? ;c)

    (And before anyone rags on me for bad language, that's the correct name for a particularly rough engineering file, and essential to the operation of that particular joke, which does rely on the unexpected payload for it's humour, if you can get past what happens to the poor budgerigar). 

    Actually, now I think of it, there are a lot of jokes where a budgie meets his end in a horrible way, what's that all about?

    This has been an interesting subthread in a thread entitled "A revelation about getting on with people". 

    TBH, I've always done better with cats & engineering than with people.so I guess I'd better go and mate that diode on the end of the optical fibre to the base of the switching transistor in the high voltage generator, so that I can float that HT on the experiment a bit easier and safer. If I go at it reasonably hard, I should get most of it done before the cat people phone... At the moment they are throwing money at fusion research, and we already have one tube of a gas we've recently transmuted via table top fusion...

    Much as I would have liked it to be otherwise, I have yet to meet any woman who has appeared in my field who has contributed a single experimental idea, protocol or genuine insight. I've been actively searching for a long time now, and I usually extremely good at finding what I am looking for... For a while Prof Ning Li looked quite promising (at least she knows where the real action is, but as yet no real new science has emerged). Ive seen (as far as I can remeber exactly THREE women weild a screwdriver semi-intelligently, showing an undertsanding of torque and how undesirable it is to let the posidrive bit spin in the head of the screw. We've had equal opportunities for women for decades now, how come whenever I call up to find out why I can't see my DNS server any more, 90/% of the conversations I have are with males, and 1000 % of the solutions are provided by a male? Who is the actual sexist here, me for noticing it, or all those women who decided that there was something about engineering that doesn't really appeal to them, en masse? It sure is not the fault of male engineers discouraging women, I'm the reason I know three women who can use a screwdriver correctly. I taught one of them, otherwise there would only be two.

    "ism's" ALWAYS require a double standard to be established and a new victim class to be selected.

    Then the oppressive class du-jour commence the serious business of crying out in pain as they strike their new victim class.

    Currenlty all around the world RIGHT NOW, a new "untermench" has already been selected. The unvaccinated. They cannot travel, in may cases they are prevented from going to work, in some countries actual concentration camps (A.K.A. "wellness camps") have already been built and revealed to the public apparenlty for when the injections become mandatory, in order to further protect society against the filthy "vaccine" refusers. NONE of this is conspiracy theory or rumour, it is actually happening in the real world, outside, and it's all right by everyone, because after all the majority have "voluntariliy" elected to have these injections (I put the speech marks there, because you've all been openly subjected to a massive government funded behavioural modification campaign, designed to attenuate your freedom of choice in that matter. If it did not work, would they spend the money?)

  • Reply
    • Well I am so sorry that one did not please, have you heard the one about the budgie, the old engineer and the *** file? ;c)

      (And before anyone rags on me for bad language, that's the correct name for a particularly rough engineering file, and essential to the operation of that particular joke, which does rely on the unexpected payload for it's humour, if you can get past what happens to the poor budgerigar). 

      Actually, now I think of it, there are a lot of jokes where a budgie meets his end in a horrible way, what's that all about?

      This has been an interesting subthread in a thread entitled "A revelation about getting on with people". 

      TBH, I've always done better with cats & engineering than with people.so I guess I'd better go and mate that diode on the end of the optical fibre to the base of the switching transistor in the high voltage generator, so that I can float that HT on the experiment a bit easier and safer. If I go at it reasonably hard, I should get most of it done before the cat people phone... At the moment they are throwing money at fusion research, and we already have one tube of a gas we've recently transmuted via table top fusion...

      Much as I would have liked it to be otherwise, I have yet to meet any woman who has appeared in my field who has contributed a single experimental idea, protocol or genuine insight. I've been actively searching for a long time now, and I usually extremely good at finding what I am looking for... For a while Prof Ning Li looked quite promising (at least she knows where the real action is, but as yet no real new science has emerged). Ive seen (as far as I can remeber exactly THREE women weild a screwdriver semi-intelligently, showing an undertsanding of torque and how undesirable it is to let the posidrive bit spin in the head of the screw. We've had equal opportunities for women for decades now, how come whenever I call up to find out why I can't see my DNS server any more, 90/% of the conversations I have are with males, and 1000 % of the solutions are provided by a male? Who is the actual sexist here, me for noticing it, or all those women who decided that there was something about engineering that doesn't really appeal to them, en masse? It sure is not the fault of male engineers discouraging women, I'm the reason I know three women who can use a screwdriver correctly. I taught one of them, otherwise there would only be two.

      "ism's" ALWAYS require a double standard to be established and a new victim class to be selected.

      Then the oppressive class du-jour commence the serious business of crying out in pain as they strike their new victim class.

      Currenlty all around the world RIGHT NOW, a new "untermench" has already been selected. The unvaccinated. They cannot travel, in may cases they are prevented from going to work, in some countries actual concentration camps (A.K.A. "wellness camps") have already been built and revealed to the public apparenlty for when the injections become mandatory, in order to further protect society against the filthy "vaccine" refusers. NONE of this is conspiracy theory or rumour, it is actually happening in the real world, outside, and it's all right by everyone, because after all the majority have "voluntariliy" elected to have these injections (I put the speech marks there, because you've all been openly subjected to a massive government funded behavioural modification campaign, designed to attenuate your freedom of choice in that matter. If it did not work, would they spend the money?)
