Blake's 7 (and other sci fi if you want)

I'm enjoying re-watching Blake's 7 so much that I decided to start a discussion about it. Who else wants to join in?

I can't remember most of the episodes because I was about 9 when I watched them, so it's like something new, but it is such a good series. High time for a remake.

Me and my friends used to play Blake's 7 in the playground. I was always Cally. We were all girls so some played male roles.

Avon is such a great character! I love his constant arguing with Blake and I realise now why I liked Avon. Apart from the fact he's a handsome man, he is actually a more attractive character than Blake. All Blake does is shout and get angry. It's very tiring. They should have shown a softer side to him. At least Avon is a bit funny sometimes. And they should have just got another actor to play him when Gareth Thomas left. It was a bit stupid having Blake's 7 without Blake. 

Also I'd forgotten about Travis in his head-to-toe black leather costume. Well! And I like his hatred of Blake too, the way he is always trying to kill Blake, but Blake avoids killing him in order to score moral points.

A much better series than I remember, at first I didn't want to watch it because it was one of the last series I watched with my dad before he died. But re-watching it is actually making me happy. I can imagine my dad chuckling at some of the silly scenes.

If anyone wants to discuss this series with me, please do!

  • Blakes 7 made Crossroads look as polished as a Spielberg.

  • I've just finished watching it and my feelings about this series changed A LOT. But I was unable to edit my original post!

    I really went off Avon after he tried to kill Vila, I don't like him anymore. I think Vila is my favourite now. I couldn't warm to Blake either.

  • I've been enjoying watching lots of series on Brotbox with my mum and dad and Blakes 7 is among my favourite! I really enjoyed it. Avon is a great character, probably my favourite character to be honest. I didn't much like Blake. I love the Liberator as well, so cool.

    Dawn S

  • I've been going through all four series of B7.  I'm currently halfway through series 4, most recently 'Headhunter'.  I think the script is clever, which is the main thing for me.  Other people will see the design ideas let down in the realisation towards the end.

    I've always thought of it as a kind of dystopian Star Trek, so to me the series ending makes a lot of sense: Avon is a remarkable man, but in the situations he's been in has every reason to get paranoid. One of the first things he said was how trust could get you killed.

    Coincidentally I met Sally Knyvette who plays Jenna through autism connections (she directed a play about a young autistic woman, sadly not from that character's point of view).  Was nice though to hear she's still friends with rest of the surviving cast.

  • UFO has finished it's rerun on the horror channel.  Unfortunately I never noticed one important detail, what side of the road did they drive?

    I read online that they drove on the right side.  The logic being that since it was set in the future (1980) by then we would have converted to driving on the 'wrong' side of the road.

  • Due to this board structure I can't see if you're replying to me or someone else. Yes, I like Stargate. I prefer the original Star Wars trilogy though.

    Blake's 7 is very old, the 1970s and 80s, so the sets, special effects and costumes are very ropey, but the story and characters are good.

  • Never seen that but when it comes to SCIFI best series hand down is Stargate SG-1For me the best sci-fi series ever made was stargate

  • I can't even remember seeing it, I'd have been 12. But, my dad was dying of leukaemia so it probably didn't make much impression. I was more upset when the Liberator was destroyed.

    So basically what the series was saying was: don't bother rebelling. Don't bother fighting against oppression. Just be good little people and follow your orders because you can never beat the bad guys. What a negative message.ThumbsdownThumbsdown 

  • Yes, what a cop out ending. 'We couldn't decide what to do so we killed them off.' We need hope in life. Fiction has to make sense because human life does not.

    I read that if they'd made a series 5, it would have been Avon and Vila and their gang (whoever it was) going round the galaxy doing heists (like in the episode Gold) Now THAT would be a lot of fun to watch.

    Not sure how Vila would forgive Avon for Orbit though, that was cold...

  • Lalalalalala *fingers in ears* I won't watch the ending then.

    Now that you've seen it, do you still feel that way?

  • I was in my youth when I saw that ending when it was shown for the first time, live on television.

    I was in shock for years.

    Eventually I understood it.

    The moral of the story is, that eventually their luck ran out and they got slaughtered.

  • Finally watched the pointless ending of Blake's 7. Honestly, what was the point of that? We watched the characters go through 52 episodes and all ended up dead. What a waste of time. They could at least have died blowing up a Federation base or something.

    At least I finally realised that Avon is a psychopath and stopped liking him, he just got boring. I decided that Vila is my favourite character, he's more relatable and always messing up, like normal people.

    But I suppose it was all a bit of fun, if pointless...

  • UFO and the purple hair. This is what 1980 was supposed to look like.

  • I also just remembered because my friend reminded me. I thought Servalan was creepy because she reminded me of my Maths teacher, Mrs Howard JoyJoyJoy 

  • Yes purple.  Both UFO and space 1999 were made by the same people.

    UFO is the 1960s idea of life in 1980.

    Space 1999 is the 1970s idea of life in 1999.

    Boy, did they get things wrong.

  • I watch that sometimes. I get it mixed up with Space 1999. Is UFO the one with the purple hair?

  • I've just started watching UFO on the Freeview horror channel.

    Do we ever discover who the aliens are? What do they look like? Or what they want?

  • So we've just got to series 3 episode 1 where everyone is scattered around the universe. Avon has met Dayna and Tarrant now. I'm pretty put out because not only did Dayna get to snog Avon, so did Servalan! How lucky are they. *sulking* At least Avon strangled Servalan after their kiss Rofl I'd forgotten how I fell in love with Paul Darrow at the age of 9 Heart eyes 

  • I read that they thought the show was cancelled after series 3. Then suddenly they were given series 4 and possibly 5, so they had to make up new storylines. Apparently when the crew members were shot at the end, they were deliberately left with no visible damage so any of them could return for series 5 if they wanted, or if they didn't want to, they could be written out.

    This is why I want to see a remake. With a proper story arc, a 3 or 5 series arc so they can make the whole thing make sense instead of higgledy piggledy and cobbled together.