Blake's 7 (and other sci fi if you want)

I'm enjoying re-watching Blake's 7 so much that I decided to start a discussion about it. Who else wants to join in?

I can't remember most of the episodes because I was about 9 when I watched them, so it's like something new, but it is such a good series. High time for a remake.

Me and my friends used to play Blake's 7 in the playground. I was always Cally. We were all girls so some played male roles.

Avon is such a great character! I love his constant arguing with Blake and I realise now why I liked Avon. Apart from the fact he's a handsome man, he is actually a more attractive character than Blake. All Blake does is shout and get angry. It's very tiring. They should have shown a softer side to him. At least Avon is a bit funny sometimes. And they should have just got another actor to play him when Gareth Thomas left. It was a bit stupid having Blake's 7 without Blake. 

Also I'd forgotten about Travis in his head-to-toe black leather costume. Well! And I like his hatred of Blake too, the way he is always trying to kill Blake, but Blake avoids killing him in order to score moral points.

A much better series than I remember, at first I didn't want to watch it because it was one of the last series I watched with my dad before he died. But re-watching it is actually making me happy. I can imagine my dad chuckling at some of the silly scenes.

If anyone wants to discuss this series with me, please do!

  • I've been enjoying watching lots of series on Brotbox with my mum and dad and Blakes 7 is among my favourite! I really enjoyed it. Avon is a great character, probably my favourite character to be honest. I didn't much like Blake. I love the Liberator as well, so cool.

    Dawn S

  • I've been enjoying watching lots of series on Brotbox with my mum and dad and Blakes 7 is among my favourite! I really enjoyed it. Avon is a great character, probably my favourite character to be honest. I didn't much like Blake. I love the Liberator as well, so cool.

    Dawn S

  • I've just finished watching it and my feelings about this series changed A LOT. But I was unable to edit my original post!

    I really went off Avon after he tried to kill Vila, I don't like him anymore. I think Vila is my favourite now. I couldn't warm to Blake either.