Night Owls thread

This a thread for a people who are still awake at night and feeling lonely.  You can chat here.

  • I guess the lullably worked.... everyone tucked in and sawin' logs?

  • everyone tucked in and sawin' logs?

    I'm back in after an afternoon of drilling more pipes out of walls (the plumbing refit just extended to cover the whole bathroom) and being soaked when the building management told me they had shut the water main off when they hadn't - working soaked to the bone is not much fun, but at least it was a hot day so I coud quietly steam while I worked.

    I get to go tool shopping tomorrow (managed to kill my breaker drill unfortunately) which is becoming a new special interest - so many amazing tools out there with the ability to remove your fingers in the blink of an eye!

    Time for a long 2 day rest before tackling another demolition project in another flat on Monday/Tueday - I feel like Wreck-It-Ralph these days.

    What's new in the Pacific region today?

  • wind, scattered clouds. ending protracted projects. starting plans for a long over due museum therapy to San Fransisco. Lots of practical busy- ness that will free me up for a full day of writing tomorrow! Japanese study and language exchange prep at the moment. 

    how about you? Reclining back like Saint George after slaying the dragons of bad plumbing?

  • nite nite now

    I'll be up for a few hours still - shopping online for power tools is takes a lot of time to get the right product available in this country with a decent warranty anda reliable seller.

    I'll be a few £k lighter by the end of the evening but with lots of new ways to loose fingers and/or eyes.

    It is an odd thing that males tend to have with power tools - I wonder if it is some sort of phallic symbolism for us. I actually need them for demolishing walls, cutting hundreds of parquets flooring blocks and planing doors to fit in door frames.

    Well that is my excuse anyway.

  •  I'm off. tucking you in.. there there..

    nite nite now.

  • perhaps it is the reason I have always found the partnership thing hard. My priorities has always been to my work.

    I love the image of your space you 'painted' . thanks. I miss my studio! I would lov to replicate it and live in t again.

  • perhaps it is the reason I have always found the partnership thing hard. My priorities has always been to my work.

    I love the image of your space you 'painted' . thanks. I miss my studio! I would lov to replicate it and live in t again.

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