Night Owls thread

This a thread for a people who are still awake at night and feeling lonely.  You can chat here.

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  • everyone tucked in and sawin' logs?

    I'm back in after an afternoon of drilling more pipes out of walls (the plumbing refit just extended to cover the whole bathroom) and being soaked when the building management told me they had shut the water main off when they hadn't - working soaked to the bone is not much fun, but at least it was a hot day so I coud quietly steam while I worked.

    I get to go tool shopping tomorrow (managed to kill my breaker drill unfortunately) which is becoming a new special interest - so many amazing tools out there with the ability to remove your fingers in the blink of an eye!

    Time for a long 2 day rest before tackling another demolition project in another flat on Monday/Tueday - I feel like Wreck-It-Ralph these days.

    What's new in the Pacific region today?