Night Owls thread

This a thread for a people who are still awake at night and feeling lonely.  You can chat here.

  • Another night in.  How are the Night Owls?

  • We were talking about travel plans yesterday - what is your "bucket list" of far away places to see in this life?

  • Dublin, Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles.  

  • Great list. Peru appeals to me.  I read some William S Burroughs and often he is travelling in that part of the world.  About a century ago now.  Also he lived in Mexico City for a while.

  • Sure.  I think it is the difference between being a tourist, a visitor and a traveller.

    Some locations just demand a little better upfront research and planning / establishing a couple of advance points of contact or regroup refuge - to enable you to be bold with your travels ...but aware of your options if things turn up too tough - and being prepared to be observant, thoughful if necessary, and act upon your instinct to make your own decision and take the appropriate red-direct action.  I have found this approach facilitates experiencing people, cultures and locations in a more direct fashion.  It is not about guidebooks and tours - it can be safer to step off that treadmill and just show respect to your surroundings.  

  • Sure.  I think it is the difference between being a tourist, a visitor and a traveller.

    Some locations just demand a little better upfront research and planning / establishing a couple of advance points of contact or regroup refuge - to enable you to be bold with your travels ...but aware of your options if things turn up too tough - and being prepared to be observant, thoughful if necessary, and act upon your instinct to make your own decision and take the appropriate red-direct action.  I have found this approach facilitates experiencing people, cultures and locations in a more direct fashion.  It is not about guidebooks and tours - it can be safer to step off that treadmill and just show respect to your surroundings.  

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