Night Owls thread

This a thread for a people who are still awake at night and feeling lonely.  You can chat here.

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  • We were talking about travel plans yesterday - what is your "bucket list" of far away places to see in this life?

  • Sore and stiff.

    Another day of hammer and chisel work cutting channels for pipes to run in the walls and a delivery of serveral hundred bricks and about 100 bags of sand & cement that had to be carted into the building.

    The killer was the wood used for "squaring off" the windows we removed (it they create a mould to hold the cement in place while it sets) was too tall to fit in the lift so I had to carry it up 14 flights of stairs in 3 trips. They also delivered 12m of reinforced steel bar - all in one length and there were no power sockets in the entrance to let me use my power tools so I had to bend it all by hand to about 3m long, tie it together and carry it up 14 flights of stairs too.

    I've just had a hot shower and enjoying a lie down now.