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This forum

This forum will never be a welcoming place for all until it is properly moderated.

I come back here because I want to make friends and feel supported.  But everytime you return here there are extreme individuals stoking discord and disharmony.

It would be nice if the National Autistic Society would recognise the problem one day.

  • I hope that the forthcoming forum revamp has the ability to split it into separate sections rather than just showing all posts on the front screen. And it would be even better if different rules could then be applied to those different sections (sadly, unrealistic seeing as this is a charity that isn't made of money)

  • I seriously hope they don’t do that to this website! I hate that feature that nearly all other forums have when everything is split into separate sections. It gives me such a headache trying to navigate it lol.

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  • I find the current big bucket of stuff system confusing.

    I don't mean millions of sections, though.

    Just enough to create a few safe spaces and also free for all fight clubs.

    Censorship isn't the best answer, and the current system is driving people away. This would be a good compromise, IMHO.