New evening. Old sensations.

Hello, I am really struggling this evening to cope with the overwhelming sensations flowing through my body. I cannot talk to anyone about it as they do not understand. Does anyone else struggle in a similar way? If so, what works for you?

  • Thank you for sharing this Tree Spirit! I shall try to practise some of these next time I am struggling. I contacted the Samaritans and they were incredibly helpful. 

  • Does anyone else struggle in a similar way?


    ? If so, what works for you?

    If I cannot find the root cause, knowing, at some point, it'll eventually pass. The hard part is knowing if its cause is psychological or physical. Sometimes there is too much a need to "problem solve" rather than allowing things to be, regardless of how unpleasant they are. If it's psychological, distraction can help. 

    This is not medical advice.

  • This is probably a little too late but will be good after the fact when you are able to focus on reading...  I find depending on how the feeling is, the following things help me:

    1. Stimming - Dancing like no one is watching with my favourite tunes.
    2. Singing with a backing track to release everything.
    3. Going out for a drive if the feelings are just in my chest like anxiety.
    4. Wrapping myself in a blanket and rocking or twirling my hair.
    5. Having a good cry - watching a movie that helps me do that or listening to music that helps me if I am unable to.
    6. Smelling essential oils as that usually beings me out of connecting to the feeling.
    7. Finding a safe space to hide until the feeling passes - under a tree/i in nature somewhere.
    8. Pacing up and down until I notice the feeling change or disappear.
    9. Having a hug if you have a partner as this can help if I want to feel held and protected.
    10. Having some food/drink as it can be a hungry or thirsty thing.
  • The symptoms are in a variety of forms - pain to hiccups to pins and needles. I practice deep breathing and hugging trees when I am overwhelmed. It does not always help.

  • I am really struggling this evening to cope with the overwhelming sensations flowing through my body.

    Who would you describe these sensations? Are they physical or mental? Localised of mobile? Random, regular or constant?

    It it is pain, I find a form of meditation to dissociate from the physical body helps to stop it clouding my mind and can sometimes compartmentalise it to stop it getting in the way of what I'm doing.