Stupid Comments

Just a quick one my Dad phoned me over the weekend have a difficult relationship anyway with him, but he made the comment you will have less bother if you tone down your autistic behaviour.

The funny thing is he has more mental health conditions than me and expects sympathy.

If you are ND my understudying is unless you mask and go around like you have been lobotomised this is not possible and in fact is poor for my long term health.

Your comments would be appreciated I also have anxiety and OCD and do take medication for these conditions to help alleviate the storms.

Thanks and good night

  • agree the trouble is when I have been myself I have had the most horrible experience .I am having issues with the council at the moment who are suggesting my autism is anti social behaviour thanks for your kind words

  • you are so true I am going to be less embarrassed about Stimming which helps me so much.

    Thanks again

  • Thanks Roy I agree with all you say my Dad I am certain is autistic

  • what is normal anyway hate that term so called normal people have given me the worst experiences give me people like us 24/7

  • you are leading a good life ignore this ignorance we are the special ones

  • They are just dad remarks, they are famous for them. If in doubt say something totally inappropriate. My parents watched Rain man, obviously all autistic people are the same as Raymond. My mother still can’t use the word autistic, she always uses “with what you have.”

  • Sorry, I sniggered when I read this as I've had similar comments

    I shouldn't expect to live a normal life

    Who wants to be the same as everyone else? That'd be a sci-fi novel full of near-clones. Normal = Average, and why settle for that if you are brilliantly different already? Another way of NT put-downs?

  • My dad would have been the same. He might have picked up on the autism portrayed by the media, but wouldn't have been comfortable, and use humour to deflect. And he had a stealth-humour - didn't say much, but when he did.... those words counted! That's why I would have laughed it off, I was thinking of dad. Purple heart

  • I was once told that I shouldn't expect to live a normal life.

    If I can't live a normal life, why stay alive at all?!

  • I am new to this after 46 years of being autistic. 

    100% you are not at fault.

    Mental health issues does  not = an understanding of autism.

    From the 24hrs I have been “officially” on the ASD team I can see that NT men play the “social game” more than women. 

    Keep being you & only you. That is all that matters Heart

  • I’m sorry your dad made a comment like that, dads often get it totally wrong, I don’t think my late father would have understood autism very well. The strange thing was that we shared many of the same traits.

    I still get comments that ‘press my buttons’, “ Sort yourself out,” and the other is “Get a grip.” I still get angry but then I normally assign the person to ‘Room 101’.

  • His comment doesn't make sense to me, so I would laugh it off (if that would not annoy him) or just ignore it. Does not compute. That's like asking a red-head to tone down the intensity of their red hair (I love red hair so please don't take offence any beautiful red-haired people out there!).

    I am realising how much the world needs educated on autism since my recent diagnosis, I have learned a lot that I was ignorant of.

    Also I'm at the age now where I'd respond to a comment like that, to 'dial it up' and be more natural.

  • Sorry your Dad made that comment. I don't think you or anyone with autism should have to "tone down their autistic behaviour". Masking can be tiring so I think we should be allowed to be ourselves.

  • well, best to know sooner than later where one stands.  - in this case at some distance. Wink

  • OH Yes the lovely tolerant society a world where we are all the same that would be fun not !

  • Go boldly forth where no one has gone before and let the stars shine the way. We are all so different in such wonderful ways.

    I could list some doozies I've had leveled at me but it gets old fast. after 70 yrs of it I have come to wait for it like the second dropped shoe.

    I have cultivated a very fine "g'fah!" and a dainty little "snort" for such times. They are magic words.I gift them to you  - all and sundry.

    'nuf said.

  • my best friend loves the fact I have no filter we have such a laugh.We also have these ridiculous chats over a few beers about what we would do when we rule the world.He will suggest something and then I will say oh problem will the pope allow that it is all really silly you would have to be there

  • thanks so much I am having a long break from my Dad he has never been there for me all my life you are so kind

  • that person is not worth bothering with I love to stimm

  • I told once one person, why it’s so bothering that I’m a bit weird and do my quirky things (stimming) there was eeeeee silence. Then I added “at least I’m a bit different than others” that person answered to me that I should be like others. When I asked again why, she just left giving me weird glance.