Stupid Comments

Just a quick one my Dad phoned me over the weekend have a difficult relationship anyway with him, but he made the comment you will have less bother if you tone down your autistic behaviour.

The funny thing is he has more mental health conditions than me and expects sympathy.

If you are ND my understudying is unless you mask and go around like you have been lobotomised this is not possible and in fact is poor for my long term health.

Your comments would be appreciated I also have anxiety and OCD and do take medication for these conditions to help alleviate the storms.

Thanks and good night

  • I’m sorry your dad made a comment like that, dads often get it totally wrong, I don’t think my late father would have understood autism very well. The strange thing was that we shared many of the same traits.

    I still get comments that ‘press my buttons’, “ Sort yourself out,” and the other is “Get a grip.” I still get angry but then I normally assign the person to ‘Room 101’.

  • My dad would have been the same. He might have picked up on the autism portrayed by the media, but wouldn't have been comfortable, and use humour to deflect. And he had a stealth-humour - didn't say much, but when he did.... those words counted! That's why I would have laughed it off, I was thinking of dad. Purple heart

  • My dad would have been the same. He might have picked up on the autism portrayed by the media, but wouldn't have been comfortable, and use humour to deflect. And he had a stealth-humour - didn't say much, but when he did.... those words counted! That's why I would have laughed it off, I was thinking of dad. Purple heart

  • They are just dad remarks, they are famous for them. If in doubt say something totally inappropriate. My parents watched Rain man, obviously all autistic people are the same as Raymond. My mother still can’t use the word autistic, she always uses “with what you have.”