Modern Life

I thought I would share my thoughts on dealing with modern life.In the 21st Century we have email.I love email however for myself with Autism and OCD I can quickly have issues.

Does anyone else out there find that co operate business public and private has this appalling attitude of blanking emails.You wait a few days and now it has become less efficient than post.

You re send and then you either get an unsatisfactory reply or are told you hassling and be patient.It drives me mad ,when email is used correctly it should be like a tennis rally ping pong back forth quick efficient.

So you have tried the email you think lets got back to the old way and pick up the phone.First of all half an hour latter after using search engines you find a number.You ring and spend half an hour going through option this that option.You pass that are in the queue you get through to a human.You then spend half an hour talking and being passed from pillar to post and have got now where so back to email.By now my anxiety and stress is through the roof.

I then have a plan there is this thing called live chat, that sounds fun you get in and speak to a bot who you have to spend half and hour convincing him he cannot help and you need a person.

You get the person who is clearly reading of a script and is much use as an inflatable darts board.An hour later you give up and try email again.

I have found hours even half a day is wasted getting nowhere.i have actually worked out on some days I am more productive staying in bed and hoping life's problems will sort themselves out.

The annoying thing is I am good at battles and dealing with admin but it drives me mad.

I look forward to any thoughts or advice to make modern day life fun again

  • Now your idea I love as you say some screening and also make sure it is cross representative but ordinary people on the ground know what is happening

  • You are spot on I am political and nail my colours to one party warts and all.I will keep that private as I think we are not many to get political on here but I see the issues  with our system.First past the post distorts one party and gives them power.It means millions of people are wasting their vote as most seats are safe and do not change hands.This can lead to complacency on who is elected.So I think proportional representation must come in and so what if we get coalitions that keeps a check on extreme policies.Second as i say there should be some non partizan representation.Finally the House of Lords should be fully elected and on a different cycle to the house of commons and have powers to be a check on the commons.At present they can only block for 12 months.

    I have found a lot of bad laws are now on the statute book you may have heard of my rant about CPNs CPWS .With ordinary people and yes ND people fully represented this could be prevented.anyway thanks so much for your comments you have really helped

  • the mp constituency situation in my view is broken as they all have to follow party lines.I don't know how you alter this but if you have an issue that has affected you and it is due to their party policy will they really be able to back you.That is why I think we will need some sort of independent non partizan representation like great business people ordinary people etc

  • My MP didn't respond, ,she just passed all my details onto head office and now I get regular mailshots which go straight in the recycling.

  • I agree about the need for PR, the problem with a meritocracy like that, is who decides what talents are useful? Would any of us be deemed worthy of high or even any office? Would we be immediately barred because of being ND?

    I think there ought to be a two term limit for any political party to be in power, after two terms, they seem to run out of ideas and any sense of urgency. For all that I'm a political animal and enjoy politics for its own sake, I'm not party political and this election feels like a nightmare, I feel even more politically homeless than ever and will probably vote for the Monster Raving Loony Party Candidate, or spoil my ballot paper again. It would be so nice to be able to vote FOR somebody rather than against.

    I think too that there are a lot of people who don't really care, they just want to potter along and accept any dictats from on high, or they are the ones who go for the people who appeal to the lowest common denominator, so as they won't be "left out".

  • We need a parliament either elected by Proportional Representation or a parliament of talent and not political parties

    While that is good in principle, the problem remains that the issue are the politicians themselves.

    Every time a party has been in power for 2 terms or more, regardless of which party they become increasingly corrupt and the whole tree below them ends up falling to the same issues.

    I think that by having people who make a career out of wanting to be in power, they are already off to a bad start. Power breeds corruption as is the case in most areas and the greater the power, the greater the corruption.

    I think a form of national service where people have to serve in the role for a period of time would sort this. Take away the careers in politics and make it a duty - like dury duty.

    There would need to be some screening program to keep the psychopaths etc out (and have a voluntary decline option too) and there is a better chance of having a government of the people, for the people.

    I don't see any politicians being willing to give up their power to do this though.

  • We need a parliament either elected by Proportional Representation or a parliament of talent and not political parties

  • the main issue and it is pertinent at the moment is MPs have to follow their party they do not actually very often help their constituents.I would have our elected politicians as business and people from the community

  • Good call the problem is MP s either do not respond or just respond with what you already know.

    Laws to change CPW and CPN s they should go full stop.

    People with mental illness not just Autism should not be judged when applying trivial laws in the same way as those without.A support group I am seeking to said that this is why Autistic people in particular end up in trouble

  • I won't name but there is one company I use that by and large if you have a  problem you can call 24/7 365 and they answer and deal.Comoanies think short term too often

  • Do you know the one thing people say is i have a sense of humour and can make people laugh.If ever i get the confidence I should do a stand up or write a book


  • First, I must say you are a very funny person, they who started the thread, and may have enough material here for a full set, if you ever decide to pick up a mike. Seinfeld would approve.

    I find, if I need help from a corporation that isn't too big–like the local telephone company, I have the best luck calling the billing department and saying 'agent" over and over to the bot as they ask questions.

    Billing will almost always answer with a human. If they want to put me back in the queue I tell them I need a human. Can they get through to corporate?

    As for the emails, I think paragraphs separated by a full space and with clear opening sentences work best. This way the person can scan for the germane points. If they want more they can then dig down into the paragraph for more info.

    Most people in work situation have little time to read an email longer than the average bread recipe. Keeping it short bears the best results.

    Brevity really, really is the soul of wit! It worked for Hamlet (a little too well!)

  • that is so true and I do that but you often get no response or someone lowly contacting you

  • You can work them out if you know names and how they structure their email addresses...

  • no everyone is entitled to live how they want to unless it is hurting someone.I agree about car park apps they are a nightmare

  • you bet and also they try and not let you have C.E.O Contact details i find shame them on trust pilot can work

  • For me it will be to stop using them, I dont' understand them now and I will probably end up even more confused in years to come. Luckily my needs and dealings are simple and few. What's shopify?

    We still have reception blackspots here, theres still a few places that have no signal, but car parks that require an app and mobile payment, when you switch on your phone, it goes Ping, welcome to Ireland. My daughter in law manages a load of car parks across the country and had to explain to a load of bosses that many people don't have smart phones or if they do they don't know how to download stuff, many don't have mobile banking and that some places have no signal or only a foreign one. All coming from big cities they were amazed, especially those from the south and south east that mobile coverage is no where near universal and blackspots exist, not just a few yards of them but miles.

    I've heard of a growing number of young people are rejecting smart phones an all that goes with them, so maybe I'm not such a dinosaur yet? Even though I get looked at oddly like I'm about to sprout a second head or something.

  • I think that only having social media for contacts are trying to obfuscate and don't actually care about customer service.

    My wife advises a range of start-up or young companies where the management are typically gen-z or borderline millenial and they have no interest in having a physical office, staff to answer the phone (this is seen as so last century) and most even avoid websites as they are too much hassle to maintain.

    They will use Instagram and TicToc as their main way of doing business and it works exceptionally well for their customer base (mosty their same age).

    Where they do have a larger stock portfolio then they will use online portals for this - I've lost touch as this changes so fast but is Shopify still on the go?

    It does seem that as the younger generations get control over the direction of companies then our antique methods of contacting them will fall away and we will need to adapt or stop using them.

  • I don't bother with companies that only use social media as a means to contact them, I dont' have it and dont' know how to use it. I think that only having social media for contacts are trying to obfuscate and don't actually care about customer service.