Modern Life

I thought I would share my thoughts on dealing with modern life.In the 21st Century we have email.I love email however for myself with Autism and OCD I can quickly have issues.

Does anyone else out there find that co operate business public and private has this appalling attitude of blanking emails.You wait a few days and now it has become less efficient than post.

You re send and then you either get an unsatisfactory reply or are told you hassling and be patient.It drives me mad ,when email is used correctly it should be like a tennis rally ping pong back forth quick efficient.

So you have tried the email you think lets got back to the old way and pick up the phone.First of all half an hour latter after using search engines you find a number.You ring and spend half an hour going through option this that option.You pass that are in the queue you get through to a human.You then spend half an hour talking and being passed from pillar to post and have got now where so back to email.By now my anxiety and stress is through the roof.

I then have a plan there is this thing called live chat, that sounds fun you get in and speak to a bot who you have to spend half and hour convincing him he cannot help and you need a person.

You get the person who is clearly reading of a script and is much use as an inflatable darts board.An hour later you give up and try email again.

I have found hours even half a day is wasted getting nowhere.i have actually worked out on some days I am more productive staying in bed and hoping life's problems will sort themselves out.

The annoying thing is I am good at battles and dealing with admin but it drives me mad.

I look forward to any thoughts or advice to make modern day life fun again

  • First, I must say you are a very funny person, they who started the thread, and may have enough material here for a full set, if you ever decide to pick up a mike. Seinfeld would approve.

    I find, if I need help from a corporation that isn't too big–like the local telephone company, I have the best luck calling the billing department and saying 'agent" over and over to the bot as they ask questions.

    Billing will almost always answer with a human. If they want to put me back in the queue I tell them I need a human. Can they get through to corporate?

    As for the emails, I think paragraphs separated by a full space and with clear opening sentences work best. This way the person can scan for the germane points. If they want more they can then dig down into the paragraph for more info.

    Most people in work situation have little time to read an email longer than the average bread recipe. Keeping it short bears the best results.

    Brevity really, really is the soul of wit! It worked for Hamlet (a little too well!)

  • First, I must say you are a very funny person, they who started the thread, and may have enough material here for a full set, if you ever decide to pick up a mike. Seinfeld would approve.

    I find, if I need help from a corporation that isn't too big–like the local telephone company, I have the best luck calling the billing department and saying 'agent" over and over to the bot as they ask questions.

    Billing will almost always answer with a human. If they want to put me back in the queue I tell them I need a human. Can they get through to corporate?

    As for the emails, I think paragraphs separated by a full space and with clear opening sentences work best. This way the person can scan for the germane points. If they want more they can then dig down into the paragraph for more info.

    Most people in work situation have little time to read an email longer than the average bread recipe. Keeping it short bears the best results.

    Brevity really, really is the soul of wit! It worked for Hamlet (a little too well!)
