Depression and anxiety

I've been struggling lately. Maybe it's because it's cold and dark most days, will I brighten up when the weather does? I've had depression and anxiety for ages. Both cause difficulties in my every day life, nothing serious but a big hassle I could do without. 

I've grown increasingly concerned about my mum who is mid fifties and growing increasingly forgetful, forgetting shopping, names and repeating stuff to me she told me earlier on. Bit of a worry. Her mum had Alzheimer's and I'm worried she's going the same way. I'm no longer involved in with the mental health team but I'm increasingly tempted to get in touch so I can get help with the increasing pressure. I'm ok, I'm keeping busy, but it feels like I'm starting to crash and burn and I can't get the worry off my mind. I'm up all night, can't sleep, and my pain from fibromyalgia has increased likely from the anxiety. So I need to see the GP about that, need my medicine altered. I could mention my other worries to her but GP visits aren't my fave place so I try and get in and out within twenty mins.

  • Hi Bright Eyes,
    It sounds like things are tough right now, and the fact you're keeping going and reaching out for help shows so much strength. I can hear how much you care about your mum and how concern for her is impacting you. I wish there was something more helpful I could say. My dad has Parkinsons and is showing symptoms of Alzeimers too, so I do resonate with how scary the uncertainty and implications are. You mentioned that you're keeping busy, and I hope the distraction is helping to manage things, and that you're also able to find space for yourself. Have you found things that have helped in the past? 

    Hope things become more manageable. Take good care

  • Forgetfulness can also be a symptom of menopause. My mother was worried about it too as it was happening to her but it seems to have gotten better as time has gone on. 

    Actually that reminds me of something my mother told me: Years ago a woman my mother worked with suddenly burst into tears in front of her and said she was terrified she was getting alzheimers because she couldn't stop forgetting things like people's names and picking her child up from school etc. My mother comforted her as best she could and advised her to go to the doctor. A while later she told my mother she had been to the doctor and it turned out to be a symptom of menopause and it had improved when her GP prescribed HRT - she was so relieved!

    Obviously I don't know your mother's situation and I can completely understand and relate to your worries about dementia as I worry a lot about these things too, but I just wanted to say that forgetfulness affects so many women in their 50's and it rarely means dementia. I found it comforting to think of this when I was worried about my mother, I hope it maybe comforts you too.

  • I'm sorry depression and life are dragging you down. Winter definitely doesn't help, the constant crap weather and dark make you feel worse but I guarantee as it warms up and starts to get brighter you'll feel heaps better.

    I can understand you worrying about your mum. Parents are a big cause for concern. Have you tried talking to her about your worries? She might be able to put your mind at ease, it could just be general forgetfulness or maybe she's stressed about something and it's playing on her mind. Talking could get it off your mind and give you room to relax a little.

    I've struggled with depression since 2016, it has its ups and downs. I enjoy the best days and forget the ones. Don't let things get to you or they'll drag you too rock bottom.

    If things are getting too much and you need a chat, give Samaritans a call:

    116 123

    I hope you're okay. Keep smiling x

  • I'm sorry you feel like this. I had a long battle with depression. It's mostly under control now, aside from the occasional really bad day, but this time of year is always really hard, mood-wise, I find, when it's just so cold and dark, and often wet too, and it feels like the winter will just never end.

    Someone mentioned SAD sunlamps: I have tried them in the past with some success, although it was hard to be sure that improvement was actually due to the lamp. But you could give them a go. I haven't really needed mine this year, thankfully.

  • sorry to hear you are having some worries, wouldn't it be bliss if life did have a pause button!

    just a thought, have you looked in to diet adjustment and supplements to help with dementia? It's not something I've researched myself but I have heard several accounts of people making dietary changes that help with the symptoms

  • Thanks Martin, I'll take a look at your sunlight lamps. Just so tired of everything going on. Wish life had a pause button.

  • For the SAD-type feelings there are 'sunlight lamps' you can buy for the shorter days of Winter, plus it could help regulate your sleep patterns, and make sure you have enough vitamin D.