New to this place!

Hi my name's Olive and I'm 18! I'm a little nervous to be joining this community as I've never really had a support network for my autism but I hope this will help me feel more welcomed and more, if anything, normal. I think interacting with people like me will be good for me as it will help me feel less alone, which I always have been when it comes to understanding my autism.

I am yet undiagnosed, but as I recently turned 18 and am seeking an adult diagnosis. My journey in discovering my autism is a long one and has been since I was a baby and only in recent years have I been comfortable accepting myself as autistic and talking about my autism to others, although still it makes me nervous. As a teenage girl living in this generation where there is a lot of stigma around mental disorders it's very easy for someone to accuse me of lying and whilst many have supported me, others haven't.

I hope there are other people in this community who can relate to my experience and accept me.

  • It is kinda a fear. The main aspect for me was looking after myself. I am reaching the end of my first year at University. I never thought I would get here. I was afraid my ASD would stop me. But with support from friends, family and the school and college I went to I made it here.

    My brother was diagnosed at 8 and my mum was told that he would never reach university. Hi is now 24 with a 2:1 degree in animation and a job as a 3D animation artist. 

    So it is possible. It can be difficult. My brother has to work a 4 day week or he cant survive in the environment (Although its not brilliant for non aspies either). But it is possible. He just needs to stay passionate and focused. I am attempting to become a lawyer because that is what I am passionate about, 16 year old me would not think I would be here. So although I understand it is hard to not focus on the future, try and get him to look slightly closer. Focus on getting the grades. To get to college/or apprentiship etc. I found that relieved my stress for the far future, by working to control the near future.

  • Yes I will be the go between until he joins. His biggest worry is what will happen after school life? Will I be able to do the job that I really want to do or will my anx hold me back. He is an amazing artist and really wants to do comic design or something along them line. I just want him do do what he loves so that way he will have a happy life that's all I want. The less stress he has the better he will feel. Do you also worry about life after school or Are you just about to finish school in the next few weeks ? 

    I know he is only 16 and he needs to take one day at a time it's hard to tell him that as he has had his future planed out since he was 6 but only got diagnosed when he was 12 so that's making him rethink like he can't do it because of his diagnosis? 

  • Hey,

    Thats good. And I know that, my brother is a prime example. Just try explaining. And if he doesnt, Then you can be the go between. It wont be as good but we can still support you and him as best as we can.

    You are very welcome and I am always here to help :) x

  • Hello again

    Yes I have just ordered the book getting it Friday. Im hoping my son will join but as you probably know boys/men are not as good at speaking about problems/feelings as women are so I'm just waiting I don't want to keep pushing him to do things to help I want him to take the first step on his own. 

    I hope he does join and get to speak to people like you who can help him understand what he is feeling a bit more. 

    Thanks again x

  • Hi Nike Woman,

    I would also encourage him to do so. My brother is also autistic and doesnt use this kinds of things and he struggles alot. I was nerveous about joining to start with. But I find hearing from other autistic people does amazing things. They can say the same thing my mum says but I take it in more hearing it from an autistic person as I know it works and helps and it isnt being said by an outsider (No offence to any none autistics as I dont know where I would be without my mum, it just helps to hear from other aspies.)

    So try and get him to join a website or find a local group as talking relieves so much (I found anyway)

    And definately check out the comics, they are on facebook or you can buy a digital or physical copy off amazon. They helped me a tremendous amount in an hour alone.

    Hope this helps

  • Hi Seaqueen

    i have never heard of them comics I will be looking for them I'm on here looking for advice on how to best help my 16 year old son who is struggling at the moment with his anxiety as I don't know what to do or say for the best. I have told him to join this to speak to people who are going through the same feelings as him who can help him better than I can. 

  • Hi, 

    I am 18 and got my diagnosis a few years ago. So I completely understand. I have had people tell me I dont look or act autistic or outright tell me I not (The latter only happened once thankfully).

    I know it is a struggle, try look at the comics 'Growing Up Aspie'. I recently found that and it helps me to put into words what happens with me, to see that others feel the same etc. I found it extremely helpful.

    Hope this helps