Hi Everyone, Undiagnosed Mid 30s Male.

Unsure where to begin i have a very specific questions i want advice with first please:

What are the pros and cons of getting an NHS autism diagnosis vs a private one?

I have been told today that private austism diagnosis cost bewteen £200 - £1000. Is this accurate pricing?


I went to the GP the other day, he was confused why i was asking for an autism test. To me it seems obvious.  Anyway i have to go back when hes done some research.  In the mean time im thinking i might just do it privately.  I would have more control wouldn't i? i would get a better service? the times could be how i want them? (more so)

Anyway, hey to all, this is strange posting here, i have suspected since around late 20s that i was ASD but i haven't had the need or been ready to face it full on i guess.

  • ^ awesome reply thanks for that info and taking the time to write it!

    I think i should offer to go private as a gesture first thing i say next time i go to GP to not pressure the GP/NHS budget - is that a good strategy, should i say it like that or will i insult the GP? 

    I have social anxiety when i attempt to socialize with almost all people because i cant judge things i think. However i have worked a way to work/live and have a relationship by just forgetting about any wider socializing completely.  I told the GP this.

    Thing is i have found a way to make a living online for years so i dont need NHS care as such. Maybe in future its possible.

    I feel i want the validation of the diagnosis because some family members likely wont accept my diagnosis and i might want to interact with them.

    Based on the above i should just go private i think...... if anything at all. I am thinking about not bothering, im 50/50 right now.  Trying to work out how autistic i am and to me its borderline/high functioning.... but im so terrible with social intuitive data, its always been a mystery now i think back, i just ask my partners judgement on any social etiquette these days.  I try to avoid everything social i can though, it just easier and im neither depressed or happy. Just middle of the road.

    If its business or short interactions with strangers for first time i can usually perform much better because the social data is less (i still perform badly at times though.) Anyone else like that?

    Im partly curious to know if i am autistic but there is also a need if i want to have better interactions.  Maybe i dont need better interactions though, perhaps its a complication, i dont know. I should imagine old age might be hard at this current pace but then old age is hard for everyone.

  • If you want to get a diagnosis from the NHS then I think that you need to get two distinct messages across

    a) why you think that it is a problem. Are you depressed, anxious, have social anxiety etc etc.

    b) what makes you think that you have autism - what signs and behaviours you have that indicate autism.

    I'm guessing that you have focused on the second message rather than the first? But, I'm also presuming that you are facing very real difficulties in life and that a diagnosis would help you adress those difficulties.

    The purpose of a diagnosis, from the NHS point of view, is to identify what care and support you need. If you don't need care or support then why would they diagnose you? I think you need to make it clear that it is not curiosity that is driving your request.

    I suspect that your doctor is not a quack and I think it is reasonable for him to go and do some reading if he hasn't had such a request before. Many other people on the forum have had much worse experience with their doctors who can simply send them packing and to stop worrying their little heads about it. Your doctor has not done that, he has given you the time of day and listened to you so try and engage him and try not to start a fight unless you have to.

    My point about getting a referral is that if you end up going to the wrong place then your doctor (or the rest of the nhs or the dwp or an employer) may not recognise and accept the diagnosis. If you get the doctor to refer you privately then the doctor can't turn round and doubt the diagnosis. I think you should at least discuss your choice of diagnostic service with your GP to see what he thinks.

    It is common for GPs to have patients come to them after reading something on the internet or in the papers and to demand treatment for condition X. They don't often react well to a demanding patient who insists that they know what is wrong, they need to be comfortable that the referral is reasonable in the circumstances and not a passing whim. Try to help your doctor see you as someone with a real need and a possible explanation - this approach worked for me. The GP I saw said that she knew nothing about it but went away and did some research. I did then go privately as I couldn't wait for the 12 month queue but the diagnosis was accepted by everyone and nobody has doubted it.

    The system is very broken and very short of resources and it is rubbish that there is a 12 month queue but it doesn't mean that you can't get the result that you need. Try and work with the system, even though it is not ideal - it is the only system we have and it is undoubtedly better than any other service in the world that is free for its users.

  • longman said:

    NHS Choices has a page on this http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Autism/Pages/Diagnosisinadults.aspx

    Show your GP this page and its links.

    If he still cannot comprehend change your GP

    I will include that link in my notes to him yes ty.  I dont like the confrontation tbh, maybe i should just go in and say it like it is? from the doctors point of view though he would be very annoyed with me if he geniunely thinks its unusual for adult to seek autism diagnosis.

    Anyway its not like i was completely shut down, i just have to go back when he has done some research, is that not fair on me? (to me it doesn't feel fair but then again i would do)

  • NHS Choices has a page on this http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Autism/Pages/Diagnosisinadults.aspx

    Show your GP this page and its links.

    If he still cannot comprehend change your GP

  • longman said:

    We were given Government assurances last year that adult diagnoses referral would be improved so why does your GP need to do some research?

    Isn't it time NAS asked the Government why so many GPs are still obstructiong diagnoses?

    Your GP is provaricating because it might be a cost against his practice - his profits come before your wellbeing. If you can, find another practice.

    Complain. You can contact the local Clinical Commissioning Group though you may have to go through PALS to do this.

    Research? pah....all the silly quack needs to do is refer you. He is stalling for entirely misleading reasons

    The GP told me he didn't know there was even such a service for adult autism or who he would refer me to for testing, he also wants me to send him a copy of some symptom notes i took down so he would know what to write in a refer lettter.

    The GP thought the situation was not normal and told me so. Also asked me if i ever had a general psychological assessment before.   That part is frustrating because im only looking for testing of ASD.  That is really the only test that is going to be of use to me i feel.

    I'm happy to pay private i guess if the service is right..... if it makes the GPs job any easier with dealing with the situation and referral and not damaging the NHS budget. 

    To be honest i expected society to be more evolved by now with ASD. To me it seems like another 5-10 years is needed so you can walk into a GP and get taken serious by most.

    Im tempted just to leave it entirely after my experience with how hard the process has been just up to now.  Im only looking for ASD confirmation to give validation so as i have some reason to say to people who want to interact with me why its difficult.

    I'm pretty sure that ASD is under funded and lacking voices + some organisation, i feel like i want to help already. 

  • recombinantsocks said:

    A private diagnosis will probably be quicker (but wait to see what your GP says) but make sure you are referred by your GP rather than going direct to a diagnostic service. Your price range sounds low, it cost me £1000 but I have seen prices that are much higher. You probably need to be diagnosed by a service that will be recognised by the NHS/DWP etc otherwise it won't be worth much which is why you need to get a referral from your GP.

    Why should i wait for the GP to refer me if i go private? (just so i understand correctly)

    The price range is what was given to me by this sites helpline, they said sometimes it can cost more.  I assume i would ask for a quote before paying anything.

    Are there many places providing diagnosis not recognised by the NHS/DWP? approx % wise?

  • We were given Government assurances last year that adult diagnoses referral would be improved so why does your GP need to do some research?

    Isn't it time NAS asked the Government why so many GPs are still obstructiong diagnoses?

    Your GP is provaricating because it might be a cost against his practice - his profits come before your wellbeing. If you can, find another practice.

    Complain. You can contact the local Clinical Commissioning Group though you may have to go through PALS to do this.

    Research? pah....all the silly quack needs to do is refer you. He is stalling for entirely misleading reasons

  • A private diagnosis will probably be quicker (but wait to see what your GP says) but make sure you are referred by your GP rather than going direct to a diagnostic service. Your price range sounds low, it cost me £1000 but I have seen prices that are much higher. You probably need to be diagnosed by a service that will be recognised by the NHS/DWP etc otherwise it won't be worth much which is why you need to get a referral from your GP.