Hi Everyone, Undiagnosed Mid 30s Male.

Unsure where to begin i have a very specific questions i want advice with first please:

What are the pros and cons of getting an NHS autism diagnosis vs a private one?

I have been told today that private austism diagnosis cost bewteen £200 - £1000. Is this accurate pricing?


I went to the GP the other day, he was confused why i was asking for an autism test. To me it seems obvious.  Anyway i have to go back when hes done some research.  In the mean time im thinking i might just do it privately.  I would have more control wouldn't i? i would get a better service? the times could be how i want them? (more so)

Anyway, hey to all, this is strange posting here, i have suspected since around late 20s that i was ASD but i haven't had the need or been ready to face it full on i guess.

  • We were given Government assurances last year that adult diagnoses referral would be improved so why does your GP need to do some research?

    Isn't it time NAS asked the Government why so many GPs are still obstructiong diagnoses?

    Your GP is provaricating because it might be a cost against his practice - his profits come before your wellbeing. If you can, find another practice.

    Complain. You can contact the local Clinical Commissioning Group though you may have to go through PALS to do this.

    Research? pah....all the silly quack needs to do is refer you. He is stalling for entirely misleading reasons

  • We were given Government assurances last year that adult diagnoses referral would be improved so why does your GP need to do some research?

    Isn't it time NAS asked the Government why so many GPs are still obstructiong diagnoses?

    Your GP is provaricating because it might be a cost against his practice - his profits come before your wellbeing. If you can, find another practice.

    Complain. You can contact the local Clinical Commissioning Group though you may have to go through PALS to do this.

    Research? pah....all the silly quack needs to do is refer you. He is stalling for entirely misleading reasons

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