An enthusiastic Autism Blogger


I am Ashish and I love to write about Autism. I run my own blog called (link removed by moderator) that focuses on spreading Autism Awareness and helping parent work with children on spectrum.

Having spent so much time of the subject, I have acquired a fair bit of knowledge on Autism. So feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.


Note from moderator: This community is not for the promotion of businesses or services. You are welcome to participate as a member of the community this may include mentioning resources, at the discretion of the moderator, but this does not imply any endorsement by the NAS or the community. Mod Bob

  • Apologise for not getting on to this sooner.

    You will see I have removed the link to the "blog" and posted and explanatory message. Autism Advocate is welcome to participate as a member within our rules. In this case the status of the "enterprise" is ambiguous but it is clearly an advertisement. 

    5. You can let people know about a service, book, telephone number, etc, that you’ve found helpful. However, if you have registered in order to advertise or sell products then your account will be closed. 

    Mod Bob

  • Ab honesto virum bonum, nihil detteret, so here goes...

    I'm interested that this person uses a self-defeating fallacy to allege that someone else is using a self-defeating fallacy. This is just a circular argument with someone who's type I don't approve of. I've taken a view of them, I've examined myself too, so I'm going before I get charged for the full half-hour.

    I always assess the intelligence of the 'speaker' so that I can try to respond at their level. It's hardly worth using Latin if I already know that the recipient will struggle to translate it, and probably wouldn't have the enrgy to, that's just being 'clever'. I expressed my impression of someone's intelligence. It's my impression, it isn't going to change just because they try to be offended by it as a personal insult. It's nothing of the sort, I'm simply saying what my impression is.

    Given that we are the kings and queens of 'innapropriate' I couldn't help but laugh, darkly, to be accused of doing something 'innapropriate'. In other circumstances, I'd devote some time to trying to work that out. Nts, huh? Quien sabe?

    I know that we all do our best to be welcoming, supportive and helpful. Occassionaly, we get one of 'these' situations. I recall some recent difficulties when things got overheated and quite distressing for everyone, but we have a new acknowledgement, and indeed support from Bob, for accepting that our discussions can get 'robust' and our views are those of AS people. One of the reasons I use AS instead of ASD is because I don't want conflict with those who use ASC. At least by using the term 'condition' (my preference) I feel I am more expressing the 'type' of person that I am, but that's more for NT consumption. On here, I'm on the spectrum, same as any other As person.

    You are right, R'socks, in saying that we should approach these things with a degree of respect and acceptance, but I expect that from everyone, age and abilities accepted. When someone from another culture joins in, I expect them to at least make an attempt to understand the culture that they have stepped into. Likewise, I expect the same of me when I step into their culture, that's my aiming point anyway, although I acknowledge our particular difficulties in doing so.

    I agree also with Longman that these are low tactics and that people who practice them are lowlifes, and I hope that the Mods are taking note. I fail to understand why AA is bridling, or why they are so abrasive and argumentative, and I really don't want to know, I've lost interest in them. These things go on and on ad infinitum, unless we call a halt by not joining in, so on that basis, I'm done with this thread.

  • On my part my language might be intemperate and inappropriate here, but I am frustrated that a website like AA's can barge in here over Christmas, when the Mods aren't around.

    The website (not really a blog) is limited in what it offers - it might have good intentions, and might be AA's attempt to resolve the failures of support for autism and concern for his brother, but there are right ways of doing things.

    Coming on with an official title and being authoritarian over people's senstivities, which are real, about autism being defined as a disorder, is not appropriate.

    AA hasn't consulted the mods beforehand, instead he has come on when the mods aren't around, and thus has a free hand to promote his website, whatever its merits. In what way is 'low life' inappropriate to describe this?

  • classic codger said:

    My impression from their previous posts is that this 'autism advocate' isn't too highly intelligent,

    CC, I'm not sure that this type of insult is ever appropriate. It is perhaps singularly inappropriate on a forum where people, or carers of people, with intellectual disabilities are active. We are all learning to cope with autism and are doing it in different ways but can we please leave this ad hominem style of insult behind us?

  • longman said:

    Truly an absolute lowlife.

    For the avoidance of doubt, I want to distance myself from this viewpoint. It strikes me that his thread is an object lesson in how people on the spectrum get bullied. Ashish is a human being who has an autistic brother and suffers from borderline AS. As such, you might expect him to lack the tact and diplomacy of a diplomat. He is, it seems to me, trying to do something positive for people with autism. He has stomped into this forum, in his ASD size nines, to spread his message but he does not need to be vilified or bullied.

    I don't agree with everything that Ashish has said but we should argue and debate with a bit more decorum, more reflection, more science and less presumption.

  • Posting on this website under the name "autism advocate" as if you have some official capacity, and doing so over the Christmas Holiday period when you must clearly have realised that there wont be mods about to protect the users of the site -

    And then bashing us with your propaganda

    It shows a total lack of any ethical, moral or responsible attitude. Truly an absolute lowlife.

  • Coming from a family whose elder brother has classical Autism and myself with borderline, yes I do compared so someone diagnosed for less than a year calling others ignorant.

    Another thing, your opinion is valued anywhere as long as it doesnt hurt others, just as not so nice of you to know its normal for people like me to get "overheated"

  • Proprietor applies to a business or a property. In this case the property is a website

  • Autism Advocate said:

    Are you serious? You will implicate me because I have a donation box? It doesnt even ask of donations explicitely, just got a button where if people feel glad, they make a donation. I would be very curious to see if the mods find it agains the policy.

    the website is a blog, but not a "personal blog", its maintained by a team of like minded individuals working with me as a proprietary. In Australia, any institute or person who needs to carry out financial transactions (like pay staff, get tax exemptions, etc) needs to have an ABN (Australian Business Num), be it profit or non profit. Its a legisltive requirement

    So, you agree that you are the proprietor of a business. That is nothing to be ashamed of but this forum is run by a UK charity for individuals to help each other and not for businesses to promote themselves in.

  • I am often 'mean' but not often deliberately. Nice of autism advocate not to understand this basic function of autism. My impression from their previous posts is that this 'autism advocate' isn't too highly intelligent, doesn't understand autism and seems to think it's OK to be offensive. Of course, I may have this completely wrong, but I can only be shown that, I certainly won't be told what my opinion should be. These responses have actually confirmed my opinion.

    I note that plenty of us prefer the term aurtism spectrum condition, which certainly accords with our view as to what disables us, and why. This person/organisation clearly has no understanding of either, and the last thing they're going to do is listen to us - arguably the first and most powerful 'disabling' characteristic of NTs.

    I'm on the spectrum, and this entity has the audacity to claim to know more about it than me. I guess that leaves me clear, and with their permission, to know more about NTs than they do themselves. Excellent!

    Isn't it funny how they make rules that apply to everyone but themselves? No offense. And next time you come to a battle of wits, self-appointed autism advocate, try not to come unarmed. This is humourous kidney function by the way, I'm explaining so that you don't overheat again.

  • Are you serious? You will implicate me because I have a donation box? It doesnt even ask of donations explicitely, just got a button where if people feel glad, they make a donation. I would be very curious to see if the mods find it agains the policy.

    the website is a blog, but not a "personal blog", its maintained by a team of like minded individuals working with me as a proprietary. In Australia, any institute or person who needs to carry out financial transactions (like pay staff, get tax exemptions, etc) needs to have an ABN (Australian Business Num), be it profit or non profit. Its a legisltive requirement

  • The Deal with Autism website says that "Deal With Autism is an Registered Australian Business Entity with ABN# 66 312 859 548"

    It isn't a charity, but it asks for donations so I would read that as being against the NAS forum rules. It isn't just a personal blog, it's a going concern that takes money from people to keep itself in business. The product may not be tangible but when money changes hands for non-charitable purposes then it's a commercial enterprise.

  • No I am not, neither academic nor monetary, the traffic I will get from here is less than 1%, so not worth the effort. Honestly, the forum doesnt allow me to edit my original post else I would take the link out myself since most do not seem to like it. I would request the Mods to do so as well.

    My response to Classic Codger  was because he/she was mean and people directly assume that they know a lot and others are ignorant. I thought, the whole point of the discussion was not around how my website is but more around the basic question of whether Autism, in today's world is a disability or not.

    I was merely presenting my point until people started getting personal from post#3

  • You are as they say "splitting hairs", going by the boasts in your earlier response to classic codger, you are promoting a website.

    Whether there is money in it is academic. You are clearly on here to increase visibility of your website.

    And you've done it over the Christmas/New Year holiday peried when the site Moderators are not around to prevent it.

    That's kind of low.

  • Hi Longman,

    I am Australian, Mary is not hiding, waving. She is an US National currently working with Kids in Dom Republic. Her background includes dental because its not her CV but a real profile of a real person who has played different roles before joining the PLAY group to work with Kids on the spectrum. Being qualified & licences K-12 Therapy Counsellor in US, she helps in answeing parents questions and yes, though not involved in day to day matters, she has helped me set up this blog.

    If I were to botch a nice profile, I am sure you will agree that I could have done a much better job and found myself a nice stock photo.

    In terms of posting links, the forum rules suggest that you can post information relevant but not promotional in nature. There is not an element on my website that is trying to sell anything. If I am joining an Autism Community and in the "Introduce Me" board, want to tell people that I also happen to own a blog on the same subject, may I know what may I have done wrong?

  • Why is Mary so shy and trying to hide here face? And I had trouble reading about her, so many mis-sequenced contrary statements, like she was a mix of several different people. And why is the dental qualification helpful.

    As to your experience Joy (?) may be your brother, and might be motivation for developing a website, but try not to be so authoritarian, coming from a rather unconvincing background. Website skills do not carry with them good content.

    The Mods are a bit wary of people posting links. did you ask permission before doing this. Even if it is a free service it is hardly "my own blog" with Mary in tow, with or without her consent.

    There are ethical considerations which may not apply in the Dominican Republic, but do in the UK

  • I always wonder why it is that NT people who absolutely mean to be as offensive as possible start their sentences with 'No offense'? It must be the rule. Very well then, I need rules that I can follow, so...

    No offense, but why don't you go and learn some manners? Understanding the subject might be useful too, but don't let ignorance stand in your way, it doesn't appear to have done so far. No offense.

  • This needs to be discussed dispassionately. Purely in clinical terms, which part of "Autism Spectrum Disorder" leaves ambiguity that this is NOT a disorder. 

    What you are suggesting (in terms of how we need to think going forward) I agree 100%, but in today's world Autism is still very much a neurobehavioral impairment.

    In terms of Government policies, what you are referring to is equality of opportunities, but medically speaking, most governments classify Autism as a disorder.

    Here is how Autism Speaks (the larges Autism Advocacy) defines Autism:

    "Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development."

    But you dont need to go that far, or my blog for that matter. Here is how this very site ( defines Autism:

    "Autism is a lifelong, developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them."

    No offense, but as per your first post, you might want to take this website/community "off your visit list".

  • Hi Electra, with you all the way on this one. The only 'disordered' people I ever come across are the unsane majority.

  • Even the government in its Autism Strategy no longer refers to autism as a disorder.

    Being gay was also once seen as a disorder. Now that view is seen as wrong and archaic and I believe that is how future generations will see our views of autism.

    I refuse to accept your statement that autism is clearly a disorder. It is a difference and because of that difference we do face challenges.Seeing yourself as faulty is not a way to address them.

    Your blog is based on telling people that it is a disorder, and that presumably you are borderline disordered, so I don't expect you to be able to see it any other way.