Money or Mental health?

  • Mental health is my answer after causing myself to be ill after many years of trying to work in so many different jobs.  I've realised that to be mentally healthy and less affluent means I am a better mummy to my daughter.  It's a hard pill to swallow because I worked to hard trying with education and work but I simply can't do both - parent and work so I have to accept it's the way it is for me.  When I was younger and didn't have a daughter, I was able to use the rest of the time not working to recover.  That's not the case now.

    Best of luck finding what works for you. :-)

  • I wish too sit on the fence as for instance if the money was ridiculous you say 1 million pound a weeks you could sit it out then go and do some good with the returns whereas if it was just above average mental health all day long

  • Thank you for your response. 
    I have only been there a month after trying to take a leap in my career and I honestly really wish I didn't.
    It's not that I wouldn't earn any money if I went back to a similar role - it just means that I wouldn't be as financially 'free' if you like 

  • I voted money over mental health, not because I think that’s the right choice, but that’s what I currently do. I’m in a job that I’m unhappy with and causes endless amounts of stress and anxiety, but I the stress of not having an income would literally send me over the edge. 
    I know if I want change, I need to make it happen. Whether through self help and asking changes at work such as reasonable adjustments, or looking for a new job all together. 

    it’s a horrible world that we have to let out mental health get affected for the sake of earning money just to have a roof over our head and food.. I just hope you can find a job which you’ll enjoy and thrive in. You deserve to be happy and feel fulfilled in your job

  • Yes I agree - I just always put a lot of pressure on myself as I hate letting people down

  • I think if I felt that way I'd probably not be able to stick it out long enough to earn what I need to make a living, so it's sort of a lose-lose.

    It doesn't have to be your absolute dream job but if you're struggling that badly I think you may have to consider if it's worth it in its current state. 

  • Thank you for your input.
    I am seriously struggling with my new job (been there a month) and I am going into work sobbing and feeling sick with anxiety every day but like you say... I need the money and simply cannot work out what is the best thing for me and my future.

  • Mental health. I say that as someone who does need the money (as we all do).

    If I really don't like the job, I won't be able to physically do it.