Money or Mental health?

  • Mental health is my answer after causing myself to be ill after many years of trying to work in so many different jobs.  I've realised that to be mentally healthy and less affluent means I am a better mummy to my daughter.  It's a hard pill to swallow because I worked to hard trying with education and work but I simply can't do both - parent and work so I have to accept it's the way it is for me.  When I was younger and didn't have a daughter, I was able to use the rest of the time not working to recover.  That's not the case now.

    Best of luck finding what works for you. :-)

  • Mental health is my answer after causing myself to be ill after many years of trying to work in so many different jobs.  I've realised that to be mentally healthy and less affluent means I am a better mummy to my daughter.  It's a hard pill to swallow because I worked to hard trying with education and work but I simply can't do both - parent and work so I have to accept it's the way it is for me.  When I was younger and didn't have a daughter, I was able to use the rest of the time not working to recover.  That's not the case now.

    Best of luck finding what works for you. :-)

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