Money or Mental health?

  • I voted money over mental health, not because I think that’s the right choice, but that’s what I currently do. I’m in a job that I’m unhappy with and causes endless amounts of stress and anxiety, but I the stress of not having an income would literally send me over the edge. 
    I know if I want change, I need to make it happen. Whether through self help and asking changes at work such as reasonable adjustments, or looking for a new job all together. 

    it’s a horrible world that we have to let out mental health get affected for the sake of earning money just to have a roof over our head and food.. I just hope you can find a job which you’ll enjoy and thrive in. You deserve to be happy and feel fulfilled in your job

  • Thank you for your response. 
    I have only been there a month after trying to take a leap in my career and I honestly really wish I didn't.
    It's not that I wouldn't earn any money if I went back to a similar role - it just means that I wouldn't be as financially 'free' if you like 

  • Thank you for your response. 
    I have only been there a month after trying to take a leap in my career and I honestly really wish I didn't.
    It's not that I wouldn't earn any money if I went back to a similar role - it just means that I wouldn't be as financially 'free' if you like 

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