Money or Mental health?

  • Mental health. I say that as someone who does need the money (as we all do).

    If I really don't like the job, I won't be able to physically do it. 

  • Thank you for your input.
    I am seriously struggling with my new job (been there a month) and I am going into work sobbing and feeling sick with anxiety every day but like you say... I need the money and simply cannot work out what is the best thing for me and my future.

  • I think if I felt that way I'd probably not be able to stick it out long enough to earn what I need to make a living, so it's sort of a lose-lose.

    It doesn't have to be your absolute dream job but if you're struggling that badly I think you may have to consider if it's worth it in its current state. 

  • Yes I agree - I just always put a lot of pressure on myself as I hate letting people down

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