
Hello all! I'm Lynn, I'm 19 and I have autism.

I was diagnosed with autism in 2022 and over the years, I would say I've become a lot more accepting of my diagnosis.

A few of my interests include walking, watching kdramas, health care and just keeping busy really (:

I also don't really have friends irl, so if you want to message me feel free!

  • Hello and welcome . I see you like anime. I am a beginner and have only seen a few but they have been really good. Do you have any recommendations. So far I have seen Paprika, Ghost in the Shell and all Studio Ghibli films.

  • Thank you. It'd so difficult getting a diagnosis, at least that was the case for me.

    Tell me is a classic!! Good song. I also like Extraordinary woo and park eun bin is one if my favourite actresses. Hopefully a season 2 will be equally as good!

  • Hello!!

    You are me right now! All I do is play games and listen to K-pop music aha. Do you have a favourite K-drama?

    It's really hard to make friends for real! And not just because of the quarantine times, for me anyway.

    I'd like to be friends if you would.

  • That's right. We are all unique so I get that.

    It's good that you were able to get your diagnosis (: And things make more sense for me now that I've been diagnosed, like you were saying. It's nice to be able to understand myself a bit more.

    Ahaha that's relatable, and I'd say my favourite song is Tell Me by Wonder Girls. My favourite K-drama right now would be Extraordinary Attorney Woo. The main character surprisingly has autism too!

  • Hello,

    I think everyone reacts differently and they are all validated. For me personally I suspected I was autistic all my life and to have the diagnosis was so reassuring and validating for me. I could look at my past and present and see aah so this is why I say, do and think differently. Don't get me wrong I am still processing my diagnosis in the sense of figuring out what my barriers are and how to operate in a neurotypical world. But at least I don't feel crazy. I also still have my challenges but there are also a lot of positives.

    Ooh you have asked the impossible questions. I Lice a lit of dramas and music that I could give you a long list of favourites lol. But if I was to think on the spot of one favourite I would say Lovely Runner and ETA by Newjeans. How about you?

  • hiiii!! i'm 17 years old 

    i love kdramas also! and im a movie monster like i watch things everyday and just game on my pc and shop online

    Series, movies, anime and a ton of YouTube content like case oh and joe bartolozzi 

    I also don't have any friends since i am isolated and walking is a great hobby ngl 

  • Hi Jas! Nice to meet you.

    How was it being diagnosed this year, for you?

    And what's your favourite K-drama and K-pop song?

  • Hello,

    I am 27 years old, diagnosed with autism this year. Also being referred for ADHD. Still figuring what that means for me and also looking for friends. 

    We have v. Similar interests. I also love k-dramas. Also love k-pop. Other interests include nature, animals and films. Look forward to hearing from you.

  • Thank you! I'm enjoying it quite a lot so far.

    Hopefully I do find some people (:

  • Welcome! I hope you enjoy this place and that you're able to form connections. I'd reach out but I'm a bit older than you, and you deserve people a bit more on your wavelength.

  • Ahh, that's wholesome.

    I hope things go well for you! And you keep moving forward in your journey of self discovery/sorting out your life.

    I found that as time went on, I have become more accepting. I remember when the mental health specialist sat me down and told me that I have autism; in my head, I had doubts and wasn't fully accepting what they were telling me. But fast forward to the current day and I accept it a lot more now. Though sometimes when I'm feeling low about life, I'll think "why do I have autism" or XYZ. And I'd say my diagnosis has helped explain the way I feel or act sometimes.

    For instance, I had an important appointment and was feeling quite overwhelmed and as a result, I had a shutdown (I would say). I went silent, cried and wanted to leave. But now, I have recognised that it was a shutdown I had experienced.

  • thanks Slight smile it’s one of my favourite Lego minifigures. I’ve reignited my childhood passion over the past couple years and now been collecting mini figures. But it’s very expensive habit lol. 

    was referred for an assessment by the mental health team, then was diagnosed after a very long gruelling assessment! I just wish I found out when I was younger. And now I’m waiting for an ADHD assessment too. I’ve been on a journey of self discovery (sorting out my crappy life more like lol) and trying to understand myself better. 

    How have you found accepting your diagnosis and did it help explain things?

  • Hey, I like your profile picture!

    Oh really? How did you find it being diagnosed at 33?

    And this community seems very uplifting and warm for me (: Thank you

  • Hi Lynn, welcome to the community Slight smile

    I was recently diagnosed at 33, still figuring what autism means to me but I’m getting there.

    My interests include Lego, music, YouTube and the gym. 

    I hope you find this community helpful Slight smile

  • Ah, I don't go to social events but I get nervous about being social in general. I'd say I've had a decrease in my social skills due to personal circumstances that I won't disclose on this post.

  • Thanks for replying to me. I get nervous about going to social events. 

  • Hello, it's nice to meet you.

    I've volunteered myself before with the elderly and what you do sounds very interesting to me (: I, myself would like to work on my social skills, but that time will come.

  • Hi there

    A 40-year-old female from the UK

    I'm involved in voluntary work with Estuary Ladies, where women of all ages come together to learn new skills and socialize.

    I enjoy arts and crafts, photography, reading, word puzzle bookscolouringng, and listening to music on the BBC Sounds app.

    Feel free to connect if we share common interests!