
Hello all! I'm Lynn, I'm 19 and I have autism.

I was diagnosed with autism in 2022 and over the years, I would say I've become a lot more accepting of my diagnosis.

A few of my interests include walking, watching kdramas, health care and just keeping busy really (:

I also don't really have friends irl, so if you want to message me feel free!

  • Hi Lynn, welcome to the community Slight smile

    I was recently diagnosed at 33, still figuring what autism means to me but I’m getting there.

    My interests include Lego, music, YouTube and the gym. 

    I hope you find this community helpful Slight smile

  • Hey, I like your profile picture!

    Oh really? How did you find it being diagnosed at 33?

    And this community seems very uplifting and warm for me (: Thank you

Reply Children
  • thanks Slight smile it’s one of my favourite Lego minifigures. I’ve reignited my childhood passion over the past couple years and now been collecting mini figures. But it’s very expensive habit lol. 

    was referred for an assessment by the mental health team, then was diagnosed after a very long gruelling assessment! I just wish I found out when I was younger. And now I’m waiting for an ADHD assessment too. I’ve been on a journey of self discovery (sorting out my crappy life more like lol) and trying to understand myself better. 

    How have you found accepting your diagnosis and did it help explain things?