
I'm an 18 year old autistic girl who happens to be obsessed with Taylor Swift. She's my special interest....and she inspires me to sing too!!! I love music in general, I also like David Bowie, Elvis Presley, The Beautiful South, Tom Petty, Ed Sheeran and OMD to name a few!

I find music audibly appealing and interesting. When I hear music it makes me feel alive, like I'm in another world, floating through space. When I'm immersed in music I feel as if nothing can hurt me. I feel at my strongest.

Listening to music makes me so happy. And singing is the same. With both I feel completely free and at peace.

I also like creative writing, reading and swimming. At school I won three school swimming contests lol. I also have an interest in professional swimmers.

  • I agree she is amazing!!!

    And 49 thousand people thought so too according to her liked, so that's pretty impressive Blush

  • I like to info dump about my interests. I've found I can talk about them for hours, if people will listen lol.

    Ditto! Info dumping is encouraged and celebrated here!

  • Cool feel free to....no pressure though! 

    I might put a list together, might take me a long time though lol! I love so many different singers and songs. What I like generally stays the same but I go through phases of songs I repeatedly play.

  • Great song! He's done so many good songs since he first started singing.

  • Same here! I like Happier too. 

  • My fave songs change.... and what i listen to is quite varied.   i will try and get a list together...

  • Hi, yes, i have just seen the notification.   When you get a moment to view it, what do you think ... i think she is amazing!

  • Absolutely, community and dedicated interests are so important!

    Yes it's a good way of finding enjoyment and also a great way of expressing ourselves.

    I like to info dump about my interests. I've found I can talk about them for hours, if people will listen lol.

  • So far my autistic journey has been an interesting one, it's had ups and downs, and at times I've really struggled but I've found reading of others experiences has really helped me like listening to Taylor Swift. I

    Absolutely, community and dedicated interests are so important!

    You are so welcome!

  • Perfect is my fave and Thinking Out Loud. His ballads are what I listen to mostly, though, I love his pop songs as well.

  • I like Perfect, Castle on the Hill, Life Goes On amongst others.

  • Your post with the link reappeared Blush

  • I like your username BTW. It's clever Blush

  • Thank you for the links! Slight smile

    So far my autistic journey has been an interesting one, it's had ups and downs, and at times I've really struggled but I've found reading of others experiences has really helped me like listening to Taylor Swift. I'm sorry others struggle too but reading of their experiences inspires me. It gives me the glimmer of hope that things will get better. That I can overcome the challenges life puts my way.

  • Gosh. That is a lot going on, so much happening all at once, must be so difficult for you to deal with. Self care is really hard when you have so much else going on. 

    When I was at school I had exams and at the time I was having to cope with my mum also having cancer and chemotherapy... It was so much all at once, a lot of pressure and a lot of things to process.

    I found though things do get better and they do get easier to deal with. I think you get used to it. 

    You have your PlayStation which is great, it's something you can do to unwind and just chill. It's a good distraction as well when things are on top of you. I use my Switch to help myself when things are a bit much. I used to go swimming but I struggle with the sensory overload lately.

    But things will get better. I hold on to that hope.

  • Hi. Thank you. What Ed Sheeran songs do you like? 

  • I'm sorry your comment was removed. Thank you for posting again though.

    Music is the best thing in my life! Blush Do you have a fave song? Or fave singer? I've found music is now a huge part of my life, I listen to it every day, it's the first thing I do. Great song BTW I'm listening to it now! 

  • Oh it certainly is challenging at times. I'm not so good on the self care side though, I have my playstation 4 and I'm a guide human to my 12 year old blind staffie who also has diabetes and arthritis Yes I have a lot going on, and all of that is why I had to stop working to become a full time carer

     I have my ups and downs and do struggle withy mental health sometimes but I vowed in sickness and in health to my wife and the other two have just been attached to the vow 

  • Welcome! I'm a big Ed Sheeran fan too. 

  • My earlier post was removed because I posted a link to a youtube music video and maybe isn't coming back ...

    Hi,  While not a Taylor Swift Fan, love of music is a lifelong gift.  I am 50 and still immerse myself in all sorts of music. 
    I previously posted a link to a video I am currently kinda obsessed with ... search YT for "Pau Creep Cover" - she is the drummer for the band "The Warning".  Such a great cover!