
I'm an 18 year old autistic girl who happens to be obsessed with Taylor Swift. She's my special interest....and she inspires me to sing too!!! I love music in general, I also like David Bowie, Elvis Presley, The Beautiful South, Tom Petty, Ed Sheeran and OMD to name a few!

I find music audibly appealing and interesting. When I hear music it makes me feel alive, like I'm in another world, floating through space. When I'm immersed in music I feel as if nothing can hurt me. I feel at my strongest.

Listening to music makes me so happy. And singing is the same. With both I feel completely free and at peace.

I also like creative writing, reading and swimming. At school I won three school swimming contests lol. I also have an interest in professional swimmers.

  • My earlier post was removed because I posted a link to a youtube music video and maybe isn't coming back ...

    Hi,  While not a Taylor Swift Fan, love of music is a lifelong gift.  I am 50 and still immerse myself in all sorts of music. 
    I previously posted a link to a video I am currently kinda obsessed with ... search YT for "Pau Creep Cover" - she is the drummer for the band "The Warning".  Such a great cover!

  • I'm sorry your comment was removed. Thank you for posting again though.

    Music is the best thing in my life! Blush Do you have a fave song? Or fave singer? I've found music is now a huge part of my life, I listen to it every day, it's the first thing I do. Great song BTW I'm listening to it now! 

  • My fave songs change.... and what i listen to is quite varied.   i will try and get a list together...

  • Cool feel free to....no pressure though! 

    I might put a list together, might take me a long time though lol! I love so many different singers and songs. What I like generally stays the same but I go through phases of songs I repeatedly play.

  • Cool feel free to....no pressure though! 

    I might put a list together, might take me a long time though lol! I love so many different singers and songs. What I like generally stays the same but I go through phases of songs I repeatedly play.

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