

How's it going?

I'm autistic and my social skills leave a lot to be desired. I'm interested in science, the human body, medicine and diseases - I also like music, drawing, wildlife, photography, being out in nature and feeding ducks.

Finding life as an autistic adult challenging. I struggle with anxiety, personality disorder, depression and have found little support available. I'm lucky that my parents are supportive and help me when they can.

I think I'll end this here as it's not really much of an introduction and just highlights how bad at this I am.

  • Welcome to the forum Chromosome Hugging

  • Hello and wellcome. I too like being out and enjoying the scenery and go litter picking on the moors. I feed the wild birds and laughed at a Wax Wing upside down on the feeder recently. Yes, there is a lack of support and understanding too but here, there is lots of both.

  • Hello, Mr 46. Slight smile

    I hope you enjoy your time, here. I'm a social avoider; too. But I head out, on my own terms.

  • Hello Chromosome 

    It’s interesting that you mention Personality Disorder, do you have a diagnosis?

    I was diagnosed with a Personality Disorder about 15 years ago.

    I’m also finding out recently that I may be autistic? Interestingly my therapist has said that people who have misdiagnosed autism can equally develop a Personality Disorder which I find interesting and wondering if I’ve been misdiagnosed?

    I’m a photographer, I used to work commercially but now follow my own vision and much prefer it. I feed the crows in my park and basically anything else that might except food apart from humans. I also have a Border Collie.

  • Hi @Chromosome, I thought it was a great introduction. You are already doing much better than me, as I have not introduced myself, just sneaked into a few conversations.


    Sounds like you have a good range of interests. I am jealous of the duck-feeding. The ones near me paddle away rapidly when they see any humans, which seems wise given the shopping trolley and beer cans in the water. I tend to do the same as them when I see people! One thing that always makes me smile is when I hear the geese squawking in the distance and then see them flying overhead. Never fails!


    It is really positive that you have supportive parents. Hopefully you can receive further support here. I find it very helpful reading about the experiences of other people, as it assists in self-understanding and makes me feel less alone.

  • Hello there, Chromo (if you're fine with me saying that) and I have an interest in music and—for better or worse—a bit of an interest in the human body too. I quite like Metallica and Pink Floyd, and I'm interested in hearing you out on musical topics.

    I'm sorry to hear that you struggle with those disorders. I haven't found much support either and ended up being sort-of self-dependent; not that you should follow that route, especially that you have supportive parents. And your introduction is fine! I didn't do much of a great job at introducing myself on the site—having left out a thing or two in it—and I think yours is quite a decent one. I hope you find a comfortable home on the forum. (...or something like that? I can't remember how it went...)