May I come in?

Hello cockles,

May I come in?

I am currently waiting for my preliminary autism assessment (referred via a lovely Queen's nurse ANP at my surgery) and wanted to sit a spell in this forum for a while, or forever if I (hopefully!!) get an autism diagnosis. 

As seen in my profile I have a few special interests such as Renaissance literature, learning Spanish, maritime disasters (I know, morbid but it started with the Titanic and hasn't stopped since) and I love making kandi. 

From here on in I may be a long time lurker in this forum but I love reading everyone's threads because it makes me feel at ease and seen. I feel like I've found my people here!

Anyways, what's everyone's favourite obsession(s)?

- Freckles Revolving hearts

  • Hi Freckles. 
    Welcome! Your interests sound really cool and, well, interesting. Hope your diagnosis journey brings you some clarity. 
    My lifelong obsession since I was very young (I’m 45) has been Doctor Who. Sci-fi fandoms seem to have a high neurodiverse population compared to the general population so I suppose I should have realised way earlier that I am autistic. But I got diagnosed in Jan 2022, and what a relief. Not that it made life instantly easier (it never will) but something relaxed a bit in me. And that tilt of the mirror helped for sure in re-contextualing almost every ‘failure’ in large or small but helpful ways. Anyway, hope you like it here. 

  • Hi Lauren! 

    I'm also interested in Japan and its culture. I haven't read much manga (for me I always found I read them too quickly to be satisfied as I'm more of a words than pictures person) but I've watched quite a few anime including Psychopass, Iwatobi Swim Club, Bleach. 

    I also play video games. Most recently I've started playing Roots of Pacha as I'm on a bit of a farming sim wave. Previously I've played games like Horizon Zero Dawn and Skyrim. What about you?

  • Hi Freckles and welcome! Love your nickname. 

    I'm interested to know what kandi is? I haven't heard of it before. 

    I have some of my interests in my profile too. They include Harry Potter, Japan, reading, and digital art Slight smile

    I agree that it's so nice reading everyone's threads.

  • A long standing one for me has been Japan and it’s culture - particularly in relation to manga and anime.

    I love video games too.

    My current, very prominent interest at the moment is South Korea and its culture. I am obsessed with k-pop and the variety shows that idols do.

  • Hi Freckles!

    I like Renaissance/early modern literature too- I'm mostly interested in plays from that time and a bit of poetry. Have you got any particular favourites?

    I like that period of history more generally as well, especially Elizabethan times and the Restoration period. That might be because of the theatre though!

  • Yes it's much better to be with them in the same room rather than listening to recordings. I've had some really blissful sleeps after singing bowl sound baths. 

    I'm intending to get at least 7. Those four pictured correspond to different chakras which i'm currently learning about so i'm missing bowls for the Root, Solar Plexus and Heart chakras 

  • They look good mate.  Perhaps you might like to upload some of your "vibrations" onto youtube......although I suspect that you NEED to be with them to appreciate their true sonic and spiritual value.  Are you intending to get many more?

  • My favourite obsession is music, especially from the Nineties and Seventies.

  • Welcome Freckles...

    For many years i studied thevproblem of violence in society ... from all sorts of directions, from psychology, to politics to military strategy to genocide to torture ... all theoretically i should add!

    I have a library of several thousand books, and a good chunk are on the issues surrounding my study of the problem of violence.

  • Hello Babyfreckles,

    All are welcome here.  My favourite obsession is whatever pops up next and takes my fancy.  Borage seeds and Xylene and stillage design are my current interests.   I hope you like it here and will stick around and start some good threads for us.  It has been quiet(ish) here in recent weeks.

    See you around.


  • Hello Freckles, welcome to the community 

    I was fascinated by the digital currency Bitcoin in my twenties but not so much these days

    Playing and collecting Tibetan singing bowls is my latest interest:

  • Welcome! :o) 

    At the moment my fave obsession is science.