Anxiety at an all time high.

Past week or so, my anxiety and depression has gotten really bad. 
my friends are getting better jobs, starting relationships, buying homes and im the only one who hasn’t progressed since he was left school at 16. Im now 34.

I feel so humiliated and alone. I should be lucky I have friends, a job, I go out and I have family. I have a place I sleep at night and feel safe. 

but then why do I feel like this. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t want to live (I won’t do anything, I just feel that way) 

At Christmas I always feel alone and this year it’s gotten worse. 

I don’t know what to do anymore lol. I can’t keep feeling like this. 

  • Hi I do understand as watch my son go through same thing after being diagnosed ie my point being that before being diagnosed he was happy and then he got realy down and he said just like you it was  due to feeling he wasn't hitting the milestones like everyone else he sees out in the world ..because of his  autism holding him back ie the world is made neuro typical 

    So you are not alone...if it helps any I will tell you what I told my son which is don't compare yourself to others achievements or what they have done by a certain age etc or what they have ie just because you don't have or do what they do makes you no less of a person ..the only person that matters is you and how you feel about yourself aside from other people's standards. All these things around us and standards or values of what is supposed to be the template for how everybody should be and live is just not realistic .We are all different and should not be made to feel bad if we don't fit the mold .

    Take a long look at yourself and start to like all the good things about you that are many..ask your friends family (if they are good people that is that you can trust) and ask them what are the good things about you. 

    Don't forget what Ghandi said which was " be the change you want to see in.the world" as without this nothing will change and the world needs to change.

    If the vast majority of the population started to walk about banging tins on their heads the likelihood  is everyone else would start to do it as..that's what you do isn't it ?

    Hope you get my point.

  • Hello @Mark

    I'm sorry to hear that you have been struggling in this way. If you feel that you might need some support with your mental health, you can find advice and information on how to go about seeking help, including links to other resources and details of helplines and listening support services, here: 

    All the best,


  • Utilise, don't analyse.

    I'm alone, but can visit an old neighbour for Christmas Dinner. Then visit my new neighbour for Boxing Day Dinner.

    Life is all about perception.

  • Hi Mark,

    Sorry that you're feeling so low.  You know, the 30s is still quite young - it seems so to me as I'm in my fifties.  I haven't achieved all that much either, but I know that I'm still a worthwhile human being.  Sending you many kind thoughts.  

    I hope you have a nice Christmas after all - even if it's quiet.  Quiet and peaceful might be nice.  I promise you you're not alone, even if it feels like that at times.  I'm surrounded by a family but still feel alone quite often.

  • Christmas is a trigger for me too because of many things but the main being that I have to pretend to be happy when I'm not always.  It's draining.  I also understand the feeling of comparing oneself to everyone elses supposedly perfect lives.  What I've learned is that it's okay to be sad and tired even on Christmas.  It's also okay to feel bad even when from the outside your life looks rosy.  Perhaps you need to be honest and step back from some things if they feel too much to handle just now?  I often feel overwhelmed when I am expecting too much of myself or think other people are.  Maybe try to take time off work if possible and give yourself time to do nothing much to recover from things as it seems that everything is too much for you just now.  I know I feel alone when I am hiding my struggles rather than allowing others to support me.  Have you phoned Samaritans? I find them invaluable when I am unable to tell my friends and family about suicidal ideations.  The community here have helped me in so many respects.  Sending love and hugs.