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Hi my name is Michelle I have 5 children my youngest is 3 we just found out that she’s got Autism we did have a feeling she was autistic I did get information and websites to go on am just leaning and how to help my daughter am just wondering if anyone one little ones managed to potty trained she’s just not interested potty training I have tried a lot of different ways to try 

  • Hi and welcome,

    My kids were both well over 4 years old before they potty trained. For us, it helped to wait until they were older and could really understand what was being asked of them. We also found it worked best when we abandoned the actual potty and found a way for them to use the proper toilet instead. We started by using a timer for a few days just to get them used to thinking about the sensation of needing the loo. So they'd sit on the loo every time the alarm went and we gradually put the alarms further and further apart. 

    I know there are deadlines like school and activities for getting kids potty trained, but I found it helps to wait as best you can, for them to feel ready too. 

  • Hi Michelle 

    congrats on the diagnosis it’s great you have got

    my little one has just turned 4 and we are waiting 

    I tried a few times with potty training we finally got there at 3.5 years 

    he still wears pull up at night 

    first if you try for like a week and she is not peeing in the potty or gets distressed and not interested I would leave it and try again a few months later 

    before I started I read books with my son 

    then we talked about it 

    Il be honest he was not interested at all the first 3 tikes I tried and left it after a week 

    I got a potty that looked like a toilet . We tried a little potty he didn’t like that or the big toilet even with a seat. Get her comfortable 

    I didn’t get him to use straight away either

    left it a week for him to get use it look at it sit in it etc

    tell him what’s it was for

    I also found visual aids very helpful. I had a sign that said toilet rules 

    so picture with steps with what you do when you use the potty 

    it takes a lot of time and patience. It took months before he really got the hang of it but he did get there 

    Don’t put pressure and have clothes that are easy to pull down 

    if she not interested yet however I would just wait a little longer 

    I know there is pressure especially if she goes nursery but I found with my son if I ever tried to push him he just get upset and distressed and with his memory I didn’t want potty training be something he hated 

    good luck ! Hope it helps

  • Hi Michelle, welcome here and congrats on the diagnosis it does take ages I think the earlier the better.

    My daughter is 3.5 years and still not potty trained. She is a slow developer as she can't really talk or walk yet. I'm sure it will come in time. Alisha is right, books are a good way to go and making sure she's in control is another must my GP has said that as well. I try to make it a bit of a game so she's having fun, no luck yet but I'm hoping it will happen naturally in the end and if she's having fun and has fav toy or song playing that can only help.

    I love your idea of a bowl "potty" for cuddly bear to sit on I'm going to try that for my little girl as she is struggling. Xx

  • Hi Michelle and welcome

    Congrats on the diagnosis for your youngest. It takes forever!

    what sort of thing does she like? does she like books? you can get books on potty training to read to her. the important part is to make her feel like she has some control, we don't like being unprepared for things. let her know what is happening. perhaps let her choose some underwear or a potty. if she has a faviourate teddy then the teddy can learn with her. you can get a bowl and the teddy can sit on the 'potty' while she sits on her potty. you could do a sticker chart for her and she gets a toy once she has a certain amount of stickers.

    Sounds like you have probably done this a couple times before so you might have tried all those things. But just some suggestions. I'm not sure if she communicates verbally as you haven't said however if she does, try and find out what is worrying her. it could be something that is easily solved

    Good luck 

    Alisha xx