
Hi, I wanted to quickly introduce myself.

My name is Serita which means princess PrincessPrincess

I was diagnosed with autism a few years ago. I have a few other conditions as well which affects me in many ways. A few cause more irritating things like self harm, I really struggle with that and have caused a lot of damage to myself because of it. Not sure how to stop as the meds don't work.

I'm extremely anxious all the time.

But it's not all negative.

I love all things Pokémon.

I love to write and listen to music.

I also love to have a go at pottery. I'm not the best but I'm trying to get better.

I have a few special interests. One is pottery!

And I'm from Wales.

  • Hi, Alex, lovely to meet you.

    I love Pokémon as well. My all time fav is Eevee! :) I have so many Eevee cards, all different versions. I do like Lechonk though, super cute!

    Thanks for the suggestion! I will have a look at that. I play Stardew Valley on Steam which I enjoy.

  • Hi, Shardovan,

    I'm glad you've been to Aberystwyth, it's lovely isn't it? I love the seaside.

    Do you work in a library now? I love libraries so many amazing books to read and look through :) 

    I'm glad I found here. It's really lovely and I've met so many lovely people here already.

  • Sorry, just my brain mashing two things in my mind and I didn't notice.  "Mainly for the scenery"

  • Welcome Serita :-) Love the Welsh, I have happy memories of Aberystwyth from my time doing Library Studies. Hope you find this place warm and supportive and helpful. It's a lovely community.

  • 'I'm NT for the scenery' - may I ask what this means? National Trust? Not Nuurotypical I assume!

  • Hi. Prynhawn Da! That's good afternoon over here :) 

    My thoughts are a problem for me and I seem to have little to no control of them most of the time. Though, I'm trying to change that.

    I do have people meant to be helping me but so far they aren't much help. If anything they make things worse.

    But at the moment I feel unable to do things on my own.

    Aw, thanks, I love my hobbies. I get a lot of enjoyment from them and they do help me stay calm and busy.

    That sounds tidy for you! What kind of music do you do? I love music but making it isn't something I think I could do. You sound well creative. Have you thought about doing something on youtube? A lot of people do.

    Your vase sounds lovely. I like to make all sorts, still not as good as I'd like and most I throw away but I'm hoping I'll get better.

    I was born in Wales, Valleys' girl from the start :) 

  • Hi and welcome (or bore da)

    Careful of your thoughts, autistic people need to be their own mentor or coach which is difficult, but worth doing as it can reduce anxiety and then mental disturbances can fade away also. 

    You have great and diverse interests so focus on those with no judgement, focus on the reward of doing something you like.  I like messing with making music, its a challenge for me for put together music so for now just messing and learning how its done.

    I enjoyed pottery at school but never touched it again, I was best at coiling and made a small asymmetric vase that I was really pleased with.

    Are you Welsh though?   I've been into Wales many times, but mainly for the scenery - plus I'm English, and we've done enough damage, so I leave it at that.