
Hi, I wanted to quickly introduce myself.

My name is Serita which means princess PrincessPrincess

I was diagnosed with autism a few years ago. I have a few other conditions as well which affects me in many ways. A few cause more irritating things like self harm, I really struggle with that and have caused a lot of damage to myself because of it. Not sure how to stop as the meds don't work.

I'm extremely anxious all the time.

But it's not all negative.

I love all things Pokémon.

I love to write and listen to music.

I also love to have a go at pottery. I'm not the best but I'm trying to get better.

I have a few special interests. One is pottery!

And I'm from Wales.

  • Welcome Serita :-) Love the Welsh, I have happy memories of Aberystwyth from my time doing Library Studies. Hope you find this place warm and supportive and helpful. It's a lovely community.

  • Hi, Shardovan,

    I'm glad you've been to Aberystwyth, it's lovely isn't it? I love the seaside.

    Do you work in a library now? I love libraries so many amazing books to read and look through :) 

    I'm glad I found here. It's really lovely and I've met so many lovely people here already.

  • Hi, Shardovan,

    I'm glad you've been to Aberystwyth, it's lovely isn't it? I love the seaside.

    Do you work in a library now? I love libraries so many amazing books to read and look through :) 

    I'm glad I found here. It's really lovely and I've met so many lovely people here already.

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