
Hello everyone, this is my first post and I am really bad with wording so please forgive me Disappointed

I am really struggling at the moment, I don't have any friends and I am so lonely that it actually makes me cry. Is there anyone here who would like to chat? I would chat with anybody. My interests are movies, collecting and a few others. I adore my idols so much too. Even if you don't have the same interests, I would still love to chat and learn about yours.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you had a lovely Easter Slight smile

Daisy x

  • Hello, thank you for the response Slight smile

    I hope so too thank you, I’ve sent you a request Slight smile

    Have a lovely day today

    Daisy x

  • Hi daisy how are you? Happy belated Easter! I hope you'll make some friends here. I am happy to talk to you anytime:-) 

  • Hello, thank you for the response Slight smile

    I hope you will be! She's amazing and my idol Heart eyes

    Daisy x

  • Hello, thank you for the response Slight smile

    Me too, I'm glad you agree about Margot, she's my idol Heart eyes

    I love getting POP's related to her, shock haha

    Daisy x

  • Harley Quinn? Nope, sorry, that doesn't ring any bells. Give me another five to ten years though, and I'll probably be raving about this wonderful actress I've just discovered called Margot Robbie, who has been in all these films, and everyone will be saying, "She's been around for years!" ;-)

  • Hiya!

    People are life's greatest mystery to me. Maybe one day I'll find the secret on how to understand them. Margots great loved her as Harley Quinn. 

    I collected a few of those Pop collectables I went through a phase of getting the Disney ones.

    You too! X

  • Hello, thank you for the response Slight smile

    She has been in plenty of movies, you'll probably know her as Harley Quinn, that's who most people know her as but you should check out her other movies Slight smile

    Daisy x

  • The name is familiar, and I am sure I am bound to have watched at least one film that Margot Robbie has starred in. However, until you pointed it out, I would never have known that your profile picture is of Margot Robbie.

  • Hello Becky, thank you for the response Slight smile

    I have the same struggles, I never know what to say or how to approach people Disappointed

    I love movies especially ones with Margot Robbie as you probably guessed from my picture Slight smile

    I collect POP's so similar to dolls I guess, I've always been fascinated by figures

    Have a lovely day today


  • Hello, thank you for the response Slight smile

    You sound really creative, good for you! Slight smile

    As for movies, I have too many favourites to count haha, but I do have favourite actors as you probably guessed for my picture, I love Margot Robbie Slight smile

    Have a lovely day today


  • Hello, thank you for the response Slight smile

    I really hope I can make friends here as I struggle with that in real life Disappointed

    Have a lovely day today


  • Hello, thank you for the response Slight smile

    My day is going okay thank you, I hope that yours is too Slight smile

    Have a lovely day today


  • Hello Laura, thank you for the response Slight smile

    I'd love to chat with you, I've sent you a request Slight smile

    Have a lovely day today


  • Hello Desmond! Thank you for the response Slight smile

    No worries, I also like football too Slight smile

    I hope you have a lovely day again today


  • Hello, thank you for your response Slight smile

    I have the same trouble and also really bad social anxiety so it's almost impossible for me to meet people Disappointed

    Hope you have a lovely day again today


  • Hiya Daisy nice to meet you, happy late Easter I hope you had a great one.

    I and I think many others can relate to being lonely. I was lonely as a child and still lonely now as an adult. Talking to people, being with them and making friends is something I've never been able to do. You are not alone for sure.

    I like movies and tv series, what ones do you like? I also collect vintage dolls and Barbie.

    I also like to write, listen to music and have an interest in anything to do with health.

    Take care, hope you have a fab day.

  • Hello Daisy and a Happy 'Belated' Easter to you,

    There are many of us here who understand what it is like to feel lonely. I am sure you will make friends here that can help you feel less lonely.

    I used to consider myself a bookworm (mainly fiction), but it's been a while since I last read a book as I desperately need to get my eyes tested and acquire a new pair of glasses. My main interest is crafts. Over the years I've tried my hand at knitting, cross-stitch, and now diamond painting. I have also dabbled in making my own greeting cards.

    What kind of films do you enjoy? Any favourites? I'm not much of a film person myself, but don't mind watching them occasionally.

    You say you like collecting. Is there anything specific that you like to collect? It's possible there may be members who like to collect the same things as you.

  • Happy Easter also Daisy. You will sure make some Friends here, smile :-)

  • Hi Daisy! How has your day been? My interests are running and jewellery making. I like to read too, but rarely have the time these days.

  • I used to love Enid Blyton books, such as the famous five and the secret seven when I was young.