
Hello, I am James.

I am new here. I have joined on the recommendation of the doctor who diagnosed me with Aspergers, and advised me to join an online community. I am interested in learning about coping mechanisms to deal with anxiety and depression - two things that I often, and currently, have. Any recommendations, or suggestions - are welcome!

  • Hi WeeMe - and welcome!

    Thanks for your helpful suggestions.

    Drawing with its focus and attention sounds counterintuitive - like how breathing out more and opening the palms actually helps during a panic attack - so thanks for mentioning it.

    Which yoga would you recommend?

  • Hi James, welcome, I just joined here last night :) 

    I have anxiety and depression and I struggle to cope with both. I can't hear anything, haven't done since I was a young child so watching stuff and listening to stuff doesn't work for me but I have found drawing a good way of dealing with both. It allows me to express how I'm feeling whilst at the same time it distracts me from thoughts and the stress.

    I find walking and yoga are also good at keeping anxiety and depression at bay. I find yoga a little uncomfortable lmao but it does help so worth it :) 

    I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I hope this helps a little.

  • Just want to add, a week later, that the advice and suggestions above have been really helpful. I am very thankful for the responses.

  • Hi , thanks - have started vitamin D supplements.

    Hi , thanks - an audiobookwas calming.

  • Dear Star,

    Thanks for your welcome and your suggestions. 

    Cats - the thought of that brings a smile. The storm here in the UK - well, February too - means the neighbourhood cats are all staying indoors.

    Will try audiobooks.

    Thanks Star.

  • Hi James welcome.

    I struggle with anxiety and depression as well. I don't have any coping with the depression but for anxiety I find listening to audiobooks really helpful. It takes my mind off things and hearing a soft voice is so soothing. I find this works great on easing anxiety for me. Defos worth a try.

    I'm not sure if you've got a cat but if you do I find giving the cat a cuddle makes me feel less anxious as well. Not sure if it's where she's so soft and warm or if it's just where I'm not alone. That helps me as well.

  • Hi JuniperFromGallifrey,

    Many thanks for your kind and detailed reply.Much of what you say is new to me, so I will be following them up. I was not expecting such immediate help, concern, and clarity, so I am very thankful for your message and apologise if my reply seems short,

    It is really helpful to see what I saw as a single issue divided into three. This is a really practical framework, and will help me deal with each of these individual parts that I am currently struggling with.

    I am currently in the UK, but work overseas. Topsyturvy events of the last 2 years have probably had an impact that I am slowly processing.

    Many thanks JuniperFromGallifrey.

  • Hi James, what country are you in? 

    Anxiety and Depression are very different things. Sometimes depression can be the result of a lack of vitamins and a properly working endocrine system, in which case: A mushroom complex OR ashwaganda or even an extra dose of Vitamin D help. My son prefers ashwaganda every other day plus a multi (he's 25). 

    Anxiety can be due to feeling assaulted by things beyond our control or feeling trapped, traumatised and not having the tools to perceive and respond appropriately to a situation or tools and a good manual to assert healthy emotional boundaries. I've personally discovered too much time under LED lights can give me low-level anxiety, so they're not in most rooms in my home. For external issues affecting my biology, I've had to research elements which impact kinetic sensory experience: lights, scented chemicals, sounds and remove them from my home and prepare for them in society (ear plugs, for instance, or shops to avoid where incense is used.)

    However, with matters of the heart and emotional affects which can be even more intense, I've had to examine my relationships and even walk away from people I care about as our Values wildly differ or we're just incompatible and this is not good for one's heart. This is much more difficult... 20 years later of slowly realising I needed help identifying sociopathic individuals or identifying my emotions or recognising I perceive and use language completely different have changed how I engage, who I choose as friends, how close acquaintances are allowed even. No small amount of wisdom and matters of investment and protection have helped. I do experience a lot less anxiety than when I was young.