
Hello, I am James.

I am new here. I have joined on the recommendation of the doctor who diagnosed me with Aspergers, and advised me to join an online community. I am interested in learning about coping mechanisms to deal with anxiety and depression - two things that I often, and currently, have. Any recommendations, or suggestions - are welcome!

  • Hi James, welcome, I just joined here last night :) 

    I have anxiety and depression and I struggle to cope with both. I can't hear anything, haven't done since I was a young child so watching stuff and listening to stuff doesn't work for me but I have found drawing a good way of dealing with both. It allows me to express how I'm feeling whilst at the same time it distracts me from thoughts and the stress.

    I find walking and yoga are also good at keeping anxiety and depression at bay. I find yoga a little uncomfortable lmao but it does help so worth it :) 

    I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I hope this helps a little.

  • Hi WeeMe - and welcome!

    Thanks for your helpful suggestions.

    Drawing with its focus and attention sounds counterintuitive - like how breathing out more and opening the palms actually helps during a panic attack - so thanks for mentioning it.

    Which yoga would you recommend?

  • Hi WeeMe - and welcome!

    Thanks for your helpful suggestions.

    Drawing with its focus and attention sounds counterintuitive - like how breathing out more and opening the palms actually helps during a panic attack - so thanks for mentioning it.

    Which yoga would you recommend?

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