
Anyone got any hobbie sergestions. Or what do people fill there spare time. I find nothing brings me satisfaction anymore. Weather it's gaming my previous hobby or drinking which wieredly I use to love. Starting up at the gym again but I feel like nothing chalanges anymore or I can't find interests in anything anymore even gaming on my Xbox feels like a choor. Is this an ASD thing or just a me thing. Like when you get to that point in life where everything just sucks and is insanely boring and repetitive. Bare in mind I live in a village and the nearest town is half an hour from me and I don't drive.

  • I've been struggling with the same Situation. I devour books, I used to play games and surfing but lately I have no time to do so.  Gym has become boring. The ONLY time I actually have some fun is when I'm learning something new, or at yoga class and even then it gets boring after a while. Is this how it's suppose to be? I feel a Little Lost and without a purpose in life. I Also feel extremely tired and without energy. Social interactions are draining more of me now, than ever...

  • The ONLY time I actually have some fun is when I'm learning something new,

    and then you continue doing those things out of routine

    the most important question - what is my purpose - has no answer so far

    only meetings with my friends (I have 3 friends), when we practise ''modern philosophy'' manage to continue to give me some fun. we usually get drunk in a process or at least get tipsy.

  • Yeah I know you what mean probablem with Warhammer is I feel I've exled at as much as I can and no longer find it chslanging. Find getting work hard due to my ASD/ADHD but I want a job down side is I don't have the genius mind set that comes with Autism due to my Dispraxi canceling it out. So lack in qualifications and can only apply for basic minum wage jobs which don't really teach me anything I already know and they lack progression as manager pay isn't worth the hours or money. I miss chefing though and want to get back in to that problem is with chefing is well chefs are ass holes and don't empathise with my conditions or make comparises like most jobs due to lack of understanding.

  • I only eat vegetables with meat.

  • maybe next time, it's not always polish food, i know many receipes, including vegan and vegetarian

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