
Anyone got any hobbie sergestions. Or what do people fill there spare time. I find nothing brings me satisfaction anymore. Weather it's gaming my previous hobby or drinking which wieredly I use to love. Starting up at the gym again but I feel like nothing chalanges anymore or I can't find interests in anything anymore even gaming on my Xbox feels like a choor. Is this an ASD thing or just a me thing. Like when you get to that point in life where everything just sucks and is insanely boring and repetitive. Bare in mind I live in a village and the nearest town is half an hour from me and I don't drive.

  • I've been struggling with the same Situation. I devour books, I used to play games and surfing but lately I have no time to do so.  Gym has become boring. The ONLY time I actually have some fun is when I'm learning something new, or at yoga class and even then it gets boring after a while. Is this how it's suppose to be? I feel a Little Lost and without a purpose in life. I Also feel extremely tired and without energy. Social interactions are draining more of me now, than ever...

  • The ONLY time I actually have some fun is when I'm learning something new,

    and then you continue doing those things out of routine

    the most important question - what is my purpose - has no answer so far

    only meetings with my friends (I have 3 friends), when we practise ''modern philosophy'' manage to continue to give me some fun. we usually get drunk in a process or at least get tipsy.

  • Exactly lol except I can't (shouldn't) drink anymore because I take drugs for my seizures, so I try to do it on special occasions ONLY. I've had the same 4 friends for the past 20 years, even though 2 of them are away we talk regularly. Those neverending talks do rock. We're writting (trying lol) a book! Maybe you can try! Grin


  • Yeah definitely typing is better than writing by hand wieredly I can paint better than I can right as my hand righting is terrible but typing I can more or less do without even looking at the key board.

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