Hi Everyone

Hello everyone, feels good to have finally built the courage to join this community after finding out about it a few weeks ago. 

I'm an Autistic man from Manchester and struggle daily with life, I feel like I'm a massive failure and I am a little depressed. I am currently unemployed and can't see that changing soon (I have held multiple jobs, I really struggle and have had to give it up. I really wish people would understand it's not me being 'lazy' or 'a drain' but that the little of tasks make me exhausted and unable to function and so I need caring and reassuring most of the time). 

Alongside Autism, I have a few other conditions such as OCD, Eczema, Heart Disease, Hypertension and leg problems.

My interests are: Researching News articles, helping my Mum out, looking at different patterns in all different things and finally watching my team play on TV (Manchester United).

I am proud of myself for the things I do for my family even though a few of them have sniggered at me for the things I say/sometimes act and although I am lonely, I still feel pressure to change.

Sorry to write such a long post, I just don't know how to introduce myself really. I promise my next post won't be as long Slight smile

Take Care.

  • I have ecezma aswell I know whats it like when I used to have it very bad when i was a little boy, but now i don't it anymore. I am better. When I went in the sun it used to heal up completely. 

  • Hello my name is Mark and what is your name? how long have you been a Man United fan for and have you ever been to watch them play? 

  • aye, its just not everyone can get a job they enjoy, not all jobs are fun hobbies, they are mostly all depressing soul sucking horrid bare minimum wage trash factory jobs with trash abusive managers. and cant get anything else, even those jobs you have 1000 people competing for the same position in even those trash jobs, which gives you barely any chance even at those scraping the barrel trash jobs. the better fun hobby jobs thered be no chance in hell of even being considered a interview for.

    most jobs are just suicide inducing.

    and yeah, jobs end, then you cant get another for years after and thus the whole life being reliant on job and money is a silly idea, as jobs are not stable or reliant and can end and then you will be homeless because you can never get another fast enough. puts too much on the line, makes you too reliant on horrid jobs. maybe they can fix it with UBI? ... maybe they can fix it by making houses free? ... maybe they can get rid of council tax and rent? theres so many ways to fix it to allow for people to exist. and existance is a human right, no, a right of every living being, and these jobs and rents and so on is impeding our right to exist on this planet.

    and at the VERY least they should allow people to build their own house on public land. either a tent house or a hobbit house in the park, and live outside of the money system because the money system is uninhabitable and doesnt allow anyone to rightfully exist. if not then the government and system needs to be destroyed and we can go back to the tribal age and thus we can set up our own tribal villages on any plot of land we so wish. ya know, the very bare basic human right of existance, the very bare basic ancestral human living standards as this is our land, not a governments, its our peoples land and we should be able to live on it and have ownership of it over any government. the government is supposed to represent us, but they dont, they put themselves seperate and above us when they was only mean to be our representative, not our slave master.

  • sorry i have kids to feed and look after.  I need money for that.

    I had a job for 2 years that I actually adored and I couldnt wait to get into work ---- it was a research post but eventually the money ran out and my Laboratory was closed.

    So if u enjoy your work it becomes a different thing.

  • i never had motivation to work. i see work as horrid, you always have a shouty disrespectful manager or boss, you are always made to feel like a sub-human. the money is always garbage and couldnt afford you a house if you saved up all your earnings for 100 years. so it takes away the motivation that money could even add to it, and the only reason to work is money, but if its not enough to ever afford a house then theres no real motivation in its core purpose of gaining money. the entire system is unbalanced and messed up to the point everyone should just quit until they patch it.

    not to mention time too, a job is always full time, every single hour of your life bar a tiny bit to rest between work... if you have no time in your life for anything but work, theres no point in working as you have no time to live. which is why i think managers and bosses need to be treating us much better for giving away all our time to them, they are not entitled to our time, we can leave or refuse to work for them, and i think more people should to put these people in their place and realise how much they are reliant on us and that we the workers make their billions while getting barely anything in return for it.

  • having worked with the unemployed for a year I found 95% of all the people I dealt with where keen to work. Even ex-convicts straight out of prison just wanted to work and settle down.

    so the main issue I see is the simple lack of work out there and the growing divide between the haves and have nots.

    but I am way off base here Slight smile so I'll stop.

    restart Hadrian's wall  LOL ?

  • Welcome to this forum  :)

    the fact that u have worked in many jobs is good and what i was like before I finally settled ( got stuck ) in my current job.

    I suggest u look for part time work to see if that is any better but like u say the job market is very volatile at the moment.

    I have ecezma as well and I really hate it because i have on my face and it can flare u before say a social event or a job interview.

    When I get ill my ecezema also gets bad  making me feel even worse. 

    I have a very small amount of "Checking OCD" and " several repeating thoughts"   but I am managing to deal them very slowly they are not as bad as they where. Again I find OCD very scary and consider it to be very disabling.

    then I have autism Slight smile

  • ah i hate how everyone always just calls us lazy and feckless and a drain, as if a human lifes value and right to exist is determined by how much they slave away like a robot for the system. while in reality the real reason they act like this and attack us for this is because they hate the work culture, they hate their jobs and feel forced to do them, so they hate it, and they see others who are not working and they get jealous and hate them and call them these things and want to force them into their hell too without realising we are living a different hell worse than them and would gladly get along in society if we could, but just cant. and its not lazy, them calling us lazy is them being feckless and jealous and not wanting to change their lives to get a better less torturous job.