Hi Everyone

Hello everyone, feels good to have finally built the courage to join this community after finding out about it a few weeks ago. 

I'm an Autistic man from Manchester and struggle daily with life, I feel like I'm a massive failure and I am a little depressed. I am currently unemployed and can't see that changing soon (I have held multiple jobs, I really struggle and have had to give it up. I really wish people would understand it's not me being 'lazy' or 'a drain' but that the little of tasks make me exhausted and unable to function and so I need caring and reassuring most of the time). 

Alongside Autism, I have a few other conditions such as OCD, Eczema, Heart Disease, Hypertension and leg problems.

My interests are: Researching News articles, helping my Mum out, looking at different patterns in all different things and finally watching my team play on TV (Manchester United).

I am proud of myself for the things I do for my family even though a few of them have sniggered at me for the things I say/sometimes act and although I am lonely, I still feel pressure to change.

Sorry to write such a long post, I just don't know how to introduce myself really. I promise my next post won't be as long Slight smile

Take Care.

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