Hi Everyone

Hello everyone, feels good to have finally built the courage to join this community after finding out about it a few weeks ago. 

I'm an Autistic man from Manchester and struggle daily with life, I feel like I'm a massive failure and I am a little depressed. I am currently unemployed and can't see that changing soon (I have held multiple jobs, I really struggle and have had to give it up. I really wish people would understand it's not me being 'lazy' or 'a drain' but that the little of tasks make me exhausted and unable to function and so I need caring and reassuring most of the time). 

Alongside Autism, I have a few other conditions such as OCD, Eczema, Heart Disease, Hypertension and leg problems.

My interests are: Researching News articles, helping my Mum out, looking at different patterns in all different things and finally watching my team play on TV (Manchester United).

I am proud of myself for the things I do for my family even though a few of them have sniggered at me for the things I say/sometimes act and although I am lonely, I still feel pressure to change.

Sorry to write such a long post, I just don't know how to introduce myself really. I promise my next post won't be as long Slight smile

Take Care.

  • ah i hate how everyone always just calls us lazy and feckless and a drain, as if a human lifes value and right to exist is determined by how much they slave away like a robot for the system. while in reality the real reason they act like this and attack us for this is because they hate the work culture, they hate their jobs and feel forced to do them, so they hate it, and they see others who are not working and they get jealous and hate them and call them these things and want to force them into their hell too without realising we are living a different hell worse than them and would gladly get along in society if we could, but just cant. and its not lazy, them calling us lazy is them being feckless and jealous and not wanting to change their lives to get a better less torturous job.

  • ah i hate how everyone always just calls us lazy and feckless and a drain, as if a human lifes value and right to exist is determined by how much they slave away like a robot for the system. while in reality the real reason they act like this and attack us for this is because they hate the work culture, they hate their jobs and feel forced to do them, so they hate it, and they see others who are not working and they get jealous and hate them and call them these things and want to force them into their hell too without realising we are living a different hell worse than them and would gladly get along in society if we could, but just cant. and its not lazy, them calling us lazy is them being feckless and jealous and not wanting to change their lives to get a better less torturous job.

  • having worked with the unemployed for a year I found 95% of all the people I dealt with where keen to work. Even ex-convicts straight out of prison just wanted to work and settle down.

    so the main issue I see is the simple lack of work out there and the growing divide between the haves and have nots.

    but I am way off base here Slight smile so I'll stop.

    restart Hadrian's wall  LOL ?