Reactions too strong?

Does anyone else find workplaces difficult in terms of apparently ordinary interactions? 

At work last night a colleague said something and it felt like my world ended.  I know intellectually that nothing was wrong but I felt like I wanted to die.
It passed and I am glad I did mot assault  them, resign or kill myself.   I feel as if I am not ‘cut out’ for life sometimes.  I have been in this job for eight years full time and I pay the mortgage etc but occasionally  I feel as if I am being tortured - temporarily - in a strange type of cage.

Is this over sensitive reaction autism or just what it’s like to be an ordinary human? 

  • wouldnt we all Slight smile   but i have created personas   ----- apparently thie is  common trick used by business staff when handling difficult customers

  • I find it difficult to gauge the level i should react , often over or under reacting ,which means being taken advantage of or losing out or feeling guilty over causing upset. It is like i start from a different place .   It would be good to be someone else for a day ,so you could see how other people think and see the world , or maybe a few different people.

  • It feels like it's an absolutely huge thing, but others don't see it that way. I get laughed at when at work for having a vent or  getting really overwhelmed by something others see as being so very small. I get frustrated because I can't convey how much it has affected me and then I'm stuck in a cycle. I know that doesn't help you, just letting you know that you are so not alone.

  • I know exactly how you feel.  I get these feelings very often.  We overreact to something minor and events almost spiral out of control.

  • yes this is a very common reaction and something autistics have to try to get better at --- not overacting

    i have lost jobs due to this very issue and in my current job it came up again so I knew the problem is me not the people around me not some else or something else 

    the problem is me. I am the ass.


    the solution is to become more aware of your thoughts as they arise and then try to not react to the ones that may trigger your reaction

    this is very hard to do and only achievable from starting to do regular  meditations (awareness, following breath then labelling meditation)


    yes it is over sensitive autism and all humans with/without autism  can also suffer from this same condition 

    sorry this is a bit preachy, but i have so been there and it hurs me to see it happening to others....................................... but it so happens i am now delivering lessons on these techniques to autistics in here on an individual basis.

    So many people have this issue and u can fix it.

    I cant fix u. i can only point u in the right direction. u have to do it