Adult female waiting for Autism assessment

Hi everyone, 

I am waiting for an assessment. The waiting list is about 6-8 months. This is a long time to be in 'limbo'. I am finding that my mind is very preoccupied with thoughts such as: "Am I/am I not autistic? What if I am? What if I'm not"? These thoughts can get very entangled and become all-consuming. Does anyone have any advice about how they coped with perhaps similar thoughts while they were waiting to be assessed? Thank you for reading. 

Parents Reply Children
  • I think I have sent you a friendship request. Did you get it? 

  • I agree ! Great, thank you very much Blush

  • It is easier said that done, I know. I struggle too, but sometimes it can help if we are reminded of things by other people. I will message you separately. :) 

  • Thank you for those words. You are right and that is what I am trying to tell to myself while waiting.

    I would be happy to talk more on a 1:1 basis. Thank you for this proposition.

  • I definitely relate to what you say about being "scared if it ends up being a negative diagnosis". I have felt a little anxious about what the result of the assessment might be, and if it is negative, then what next?

    However, I think it is totally valid to still struggle with whatever it is you're struggling with regardless of whether it is related to a diagnosis of Autism or not. Neurodiversity is everywhere. We may struggle with certain aspects of our life whether this warrants a specific diagnosis/label or not. You can still raise the issues with your employer. I know that this is sometimes not easy and can take courage, but they could help you. Diagnosis or not, they should! You deserve to be looked after. 

    If you wanted to continue this chat on a more 1:1 basis, we could give it a go. I think there is a way to do that on this website? Let me know what you think. 

    Take care x 

  • Well honestly same as you... it is hard to deal with the doubts of "Am I ? Am I not ?". I feel really vulnerable in this and have told my really close family. I feel generally misunderstood for doing this except for my partner who really is supporting me a lot. The wait is long and I am so scared if it ends up being a negative diagnosis cause I do struggle a lot daily and I can't keep going anymore without any kind of help or understanding particularly in the professional world... so I am just happy to speak to someone regularly, someone who is going through the same. I would just feel less alone.