Hi from Newcastle upon Tyne


I've only recently been diagnosed with ASD but I've suspected I've been on the spectrum for a while. My life has been turbulent for a long time and I've been isolated for so long but I want to try and reach out and hopefully meet people who are in the same struggle and share my passions and beliefs.

I'm vegan, I love animals and music but I find it hard to make friends who share the same interests and passion for understanding life.

I miss social interaction but over the years I've found it more and more difficult to function in society.

Is there anybody out there who cares any more?

I suppose I'm looking for hope that I'm not alone in this crazy system that we're expected to live in.

  • Sorry for the late reply. I've actually only recently joined this forum but I met my partner through a forum a long time ago. I find socialising online so much easier - there is much less anxiety for me. I find that I can communicate better through words rather than speech.

    I am doing well and I am sorry that you are feeling lonely. I sent you a friend request Slight smile

  • I tried to get a pic in but I keep being told an "error occurred" (tried resizing, and different formats but the forums having none of it).

    He's a white tabby called Ernie from the local RSPCA. He was the quietest kitty in the pen - didn't want come out to say hello. Coaxed him out eventually and we had a few minutes. He stole my heart in those few minutes. I went back a week later to pick him up and he was completely different. Trotted out of his hidey-hole to meet me - no coaxing required.

    Took him home there and then. He's been with me about 4 years. Absolutely love him to bits - even when he neutralised all the tech in the house by munching through the wires. For some inexplicable reason he's completely ignored the works PC.

    I was very passionate about cooking - while I wasn't working the peak of my day was a 1-2 hour walk then relaxing in the kitchen taking time to prepare food. So therapeutic and grounding. Sadly it's pretty much functional these days with work on. 

    Still try and do something new at the weekend though. 

  • This forum seems pretty friendly so far. Do you find it hard or easier socialising online? And have you met friends online? Sorry for the barrage of questions I've felt quite lonely over the past couple of days, it's difficult wanting to make friends but not being able to. Anyway, I hope you're ok and doing well :-)

  • Hi aidie,

    i jumped back on the rollercoaster for a couple of days so sorry for the late reply X-D

    Are you looking to be vegetarian? I share the same ethics as you, I love the kind of animals and insects most people don't think about. Except seagulls because I got attacked by a group of them a while ago and it was pretty scary!

    I'm not religious but I want to believe a greater force or being created the world we live in, I don't believe we're here by pure chance but it's hard for me to put my faith into something that I can't prove exists like a God but isn't everything in existence enough proof that a greater force or being exists? I'm totally confused at the moment X-D

    i love animals, music, photography, being outdoors walking, running, on my bike, trying to understand the world...

    How about you? What's your passions and beliefs?

    Thanks for replying, the last couple of days has been pretty bad/good/weird. I hope you're well.

  • hi ,

    Welcome to this forum Slight smile

    I'm am almost a vegetarian, I love animals, all animals, even spiders snakes sharks etc. 

    what are your beliefs and passions ?

    aidie Heart


  • Online forums, like this one, in my opinion, may be seen as an unconventional route. Over the years I've found that the people that understand who I am, I've met online. You meet one or two friends in everyday life that do understand but I've found in my own case that I seem to have randomly chanced or perhaps walked blindly into these people.

  • Chaos is the best word to describe life Joy The past year has been an eye opener - either I'm doing a great job of alienating others or that's really how the human race treats each other. It's crazy!

    I'm not a great cook, more of someone who eats as a formality and finds ways to cut down on wasting food. If you want to try something a little bit different find a good beef alternative like Unbelievable Alt. Beefless Strips (Tesco supermarkets sell them), fry them up and put half in a Chinese curry with onion, red pepper and carrot, then have the rest the next day cold in sourdough bread with a bit of rock salt aInnocentnd vegetable gravy. Heaven! InnocentNot very ambitious but if you're looking for comfort food or a new idea give it a go!

    Can you post photos on here? I'd love to see your cat!

    Thanks for replying, it's nice to hear from you. You seem very understanding which is refreshing Relaxed

  • HI

    Welcome to the forum. I'm relatively new and have found it a friendly place. Diagnosed ASC last year - still working it all out. 

    I'm not vegan (sorry), but enjoy vegan food! If you've a recipe I can try - ping one on and I'll give it a go. Own a cat who reminds me when I've been working too long.

    And you're not alone. I've just realised how chaotic is "normal" for the rest of the world. Grinning

  • Hi,

    Respect for being vegetarian :-) And thanks for replying. Hope died a long time ago, what would you recommend as unconventional routes?

    I've kind of lost the desire of friendships because I can't really connect with anyone - the psychiatrist who I spoke with said I should try and reach out so I'm just testing the waters to see if there's actually other people out there to relate to.

  • Hi there!

    I've just been recently diagnosed as well and I'm a vegetarian! Do not lose hope, there will always be people around that share similar experiences, it's just sometimes difficult to find them through the 'conventional routes'. Slight smile