I'm not sure whether to be assessed for a formal diagnosis.

Hi, im Ruth and now 51.  My niece has recently been diagnosed with Autism.  Her behaviours and triggers are very similar to how i was as a child but  i was called 'difficult',  forward,  , 'creative' and then as a teen, rebellious. I do think I'm autistic.  It makes so much sense.  But, after having been bullied and abused, I'm now in a good place.  But, I still mess up.  Am still often misunderstood.  What I'm worried about is that having a diagnosis will make me relive the past, I suppose.  

  • Hi,

    I just wanted to talk you for asking this and for the replies you received.

    I have two children: one diagnosed with autism, the other recently with ADHD with possible autism. I have suffered from depression for years but not really thought about the cause a great deal beyond recognising that I was bullied a lot at school. But recently I have looked at my kids behaviours and seen in them my own. I have also done a few online tests and found that I score higher for possible autism than they do. So, I am also thinking about a formal diagnose, whilst wondering if, at 47, it is somewhat pointless. But I think the peace of mind argument and the being able to share with them the knowledge we have something in common (assuming we do), may win out.

    All the best wishes your own decision making,


  • yes it does i suddenly remembered a huge fight between my mum and the headmaster of my primary school ,,,, it suddenly made sense. But the reliving just makes more sense and your mind closes these things down so it sorta good. 

    working with my autistic nephew on his models etc  and seeing one of his minor meltdowns which i caused suddenly made me realise that I my be more like him than i realised. SO my Nephew helped me go for an assessment. 

    I recommend u do go for a diagnosis just so u know before it is too late. It would mean u have a real connection to your niece. You would be unstable and sensitive for 3-6 months after getting the diagnosis but then you will settle down, in my case, in a better place.

    getting a diagnosis is the start of the healing and acceptance of you and your autism 

    finally I just love the "But, I still mess up", that is such a good thought,,,,  follow it with "but I am handling everything OK"

  • Hello Ruth welcome to the forum I recently got diagnosed with autism 3 months ago at 34 for me I was pretty sure I was autistic but not knowing for sure was driving me crazy so getting an answer did me really good hope you come to peace with whatever you decide.