Hello I'm Lythiah

 Hello everyone and thank you for reading this, if you do! 

I am Lythiah (not my real name) and I am a student,
doing my bachelors degree in design right now. So it's quite stressful for me at the moment.

Anyways, I signed up here because I am not sure about myself. 
Actually I am seeking for advice! 
I've been struggling my whole life with issues like:
- I aleays felt different as a kid and prefered books over people 
- I hated family gatherings, they where exhausting
- my family always described me as "too sensitive" and "thinking too much" 
  (and they never believed me when i said i could taste the plastic if food was in plastic boxes)
- I always felt "slower" than other kids when it comes to understanding... everything
- I really really have a problem with other people touching my stuff though I know they're not doing anything
- I hate texting, so bad, it is so exhausting 
- I never understood certain school subjects like literature or history, they barely make sense to me or I understand them wrong 
- I love routines
- I love learning and logic 
- I have extreme mood switches, like I am doing ok and suddenly everything is too much and my whole system breaks down and I can't function properly 
- I like to eat the same food everyday and I love it everyday 
- I had this thing I used to do as a kid... shaking my hands when I imagined stuff (makes it somehow easier) and I sometimes still do it if I am alone.... 
- and I like weird stuff and I am sad that nobody wants to talk about my weird things 

And still I struggle with getting overwhelmed so easily. 
I have no certain problems with conversations. Actually I like them. They are just exhausting. 

All of these things make me consider wether I am on the spectrum or not... but I am not sure because I can only relate to certain parts. 
It is just... now that I've discovered this so many things made sense but I don't want to use it as an "excuse". 
I hope you can undertand what I mean. I don't want to offend anyone. 

It really would mean a lot to me, if some of you could share your experiences with me! 
Thank you for reading this! 

  • Not that I know. The only thing I've noticed in my family is, that my mother, my sister and I are really bad at expressing ourselves. My sister is a really active kid. And my mother sometimes doesn't even finish sentences (I hate that haha). 

  • Thank you for all your comments and opinions!
    I thought a lot about it and I am still observing. Especially because I am not sure yet, how a diagnose would change something or what I could be doing differently. 
    I am grateful for all of your messages! Thanks again :) 

  • just from your description i am 70% sure u are on the spectrum. are any of your relatives on the spectrum ( autistic ) or ADHD ?

  • I'm by no means an expert since I was just diagnosed myself but from your list I think enough of it sounds familiar that you might want to raise it with your GP and ask for a referral to a service that can diagnose you. Personally, I have many similar issues but didn't believe I was autistic, either. I'd especially get it addressed if these things are causing you issues functioning like everyone else can. Hope this was of some help :)

  • Hello,

    yes, I had the same food issues as a child and my family would not listen to me trying to say that I found certain foods tasted strange to me. I too eat the same food every day as I tend to eat only a small range of foods. I can not stand trying new tastes and textures. I find social gatherings tiring and need a break in order to cope.  I hope you are able to get a test and see if you are on the spectrum.

  • hi welcome to this forum.

    I could send u some links to ASD online tests  to see if that helps u decide

  • Welcome! I think a lot of that will sound familiar to many others on here, whether it means you're on the spectrum or not. I'm not a doctor so couldn't advise for sure, but some of those are pretty typical experiences for those on the spectrum. Have you considered seeing your GP to get professional advice on this?

    Give a shout if you need any help getting around the forum :)